Weight-Loss Controlling Portions



New member
Controlling portions is my biggest problem. I normally have no problem eating healthy if I'm set on it (I gave up meat for lent before...willing to do it for God, haha), but I always eat more than I need.

The problem for me is that because I'm a student, I don't get to control my own menu. So when I see good food I tend to jump at it...haha...:banghead:

I know this question probably has been asked before, but would appreciate any input. :)
I once was told, or read (can't remember), that a good way to control portions is the plate. Instead of putting your meal on a large dinner plate, go for a smaller plate. It will look like a big meal because the plate will be full, but because the plate is small it will be a smaller portion.

With the no control part, you may need to start holding back. When you order food, or are offered food, consider the weight loss you want to achieve. Remember what you're working towards, and try to choose smaller meals.
I'm not sure what your question is, since you didn't actually ask one. :D

Are you asking how to control your portion sizes? If so, my first response would be that you probably need to learn how much a real portion of various foods actually is. That's a hard one for a lot of people - myself included. Many of us who have grown up in our current culture of "bigger is better" and "supersize it" and so forth have no idea what a REAL portion size is.

As an aside, I was looking at a copy of the *original* Toll House Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe, which was first published in 1936. The recipe from the original cookbook is exactly the same as today - 2.5 cups of flour, 1.5 cups sugar, etc. etc. But the original recipe said it made 100 cookies and the current recipe on the back of the Toll House chocolate chip bag says it makes "about 5 dozen" or 60 cookies. I think that says a lot about how our idea of portion sizes have changed in the last 70 years.

A really good way to learn is to start measuring and weighing your food. I know when you live at home, you often have to eat what's given you, but there's no reason why you can't use a measuring cup to actually measure out 1 cup of pasta or 1 T of peanut butter or whatever. You'll find very quickly that what you *think* is a serving, is really a lot more.
I suppose a lot of it comes from being lazy to really care about what I'm eating. :(

Thanks, guys! :)
Recently I found drinking copius amounts of water really helpful.
I get up, chug 2 glasses back, then do that all day, drink water. I put back about 3 litrs a day including cups of tea. I really dislike it, and some days i really have to push myself into it. But it really helps curb appitite and cure HEAPS of problems!