Contreceptive Injection


New member
I recently started using a contreceptive injection (In May, it is now October.) and I can't help but notice that I've since put on some weight! Now I understand this can be a side-affect of the injection so I want to know how I can reduce or, hopefully, prevent it entierly. I've tried doing sit-ups in the mornings but they don't seem to help much!

I've never had any issues with my weight, I've been vegetarian for eleven years and my mother is a caterer so my diet is pretty good. I do slack on excersie a bit, although I do walk a lot of places rather than getting public transport to help me get at least some excersie; which I find difficult because I am a very busy person.

Someone please help me! I don't regard myself as fat, its only an extra inch if my measurements are correct but I find it quite upsetting as I'm so used to being super-slim! I bought a beautiful dress on the interenet in a "small" size and it dosent fit! I have to send it back now and they dont stock a larger size anymore. :(
Situps really aren't going to help you with weight loss... It's caloric intake that will...

On a side note, because I'm a major busy body... If it's Depo Provera that you are on, that's the only injection one I'm currently aware of, PLEASE reconsider a better method of birth control... The side effects of which some of the more minor ones are loss of libido, massive mood swings, headaches, fatigue and the very common one -weight gain... there are tons of other forms of birth control that have less severe side effects.

Talk to your doctor,health care provider, planned parenthood, wherever you got this from- -and find another method...
On a side note, because I'm a major busy body... If it's Depo Provera that you are on, that's the only injection one I'm currently aware of, PLEASE reconsider a better method of birth control... The side effects of which some of the more minor ones are loss of libido, massive mood swings, headaches, fatigue and the very common one -weight gain... there are tons of other forms of birth control that have less severe side effects.

Talk to your doctor,health care provider, planned parenthood, wherever you got this from- -and find another method...

I don't seem to have any of those side effects any more other than weight-gain. I read through several leaflets on different methods and this seemed the best because it had the same side-effects, but unlike something like the pill I don't have to worry about taking it every day! (Which is good; I am terribly forgetful)

I think I will still talk to my doctor though. Does this weight gain continue or what? :s
there are other methods you might want to consider, even something like the nuva ring... I've heard too many horror stories about depo...
Weigh gain on birth control is not uncommon. I know other people that have experienced it. From what I was told by my doctor is that the side effects are connected with the amount of hormones in the different formulations. The lower dose pills (etc) tend to have less side effects and less risks associated with them (Alesse is one of them). From what I have heard (I'm going out on a bit of a limb), Depo Provera is not low dose. Does that mean you should change medications...who knows. It is up to you and your doctor to decide whats best. It sounds like you are making a very informed decision and it is up to you to weigh (no pun intended) the pros and cons. If you are taking the injection because you can't remember to take your pill consistently, it may be the right choice. 'Cause you'll gain a lot more than one inch if you are
I've been on the depo for 9 yrs I absolutely love it. I've never has any problems with it but have had a couple friends who tried it and gain a lot of weight. The reason they gained weight it because they started eating more. Are you getting cravings to eat more often? or more food?
i was on depo for 2 years before i had my son and then i was also on it after my so was born and i gained weight but it wasn't because of eating more. My doc said it was cause since i stopped having my period while on it my body was holding onto more weight cause my metabolism was slowing down. it was really weird but i have been off of it for a year now and am loving not being on it as i was so moody while on the shot but am going to have to think about another means of bc soon cause my hubby is coming home and i don't want to get pregnant before i get down to my goal weight. I would say if your main concern is gaining weight workout out and watching what you eat will really help in that department. good luck.

Just wondering did the doc say your metabolism was slowing down due to age or the shot? Like I said I have been on it 9yrs and I don't believe my weight gain is from it. I have never heard a period helps with metabolism. But I'm always up for learning something new. I've also never had a reg period in my entire life.
im on the same one and ever since i got it its been brilliant no more periods! i put on a little weight at the start but it doesnt carry on coming on. just get excercising and watching the food for a bit and the weight will come off. im a veggie too (well vegan now but veggie over 13 years) so it can be done :)

ive lost my sex drive a bit since it im not sure if that was being in a horrible relationship which has put me off sex indefinatley or the deprovera, but its nothing i care for at the moment. the time i had the jab first since then ive not had a period, no more mood swings, the only thing left over from it is my monthly spot :)
I had depovera in 2000 ...and it affected me for about seven years .. I gained tremendous weight on it was crazy ...lost my period for seven years ... it sucked arse ..
I wish you the best ..
Mal is right here, but its too late.. you took the injection injection lasts at least three years, but they are finding it lasts longer ...

best wishes
natalie jo :hug2:
I was on depo for a year and a half(WORST STUFF OUT THERE!!!)...made me gain tons of weight,get nausea,Headaches,loss of sex drive,mood swings and the list goes on and on. Its true that not everyone will suffer from the same side effects but it still doesn't change the fact that its all POISON to our bodies try a safer option(i gave up on hormones and use condoms and a diaphragm now)......BEST WISHES w/ whatever u choose :)
I just started and im still on my first injection and already have gained about 5 lb's. Maybe its just mental but i feel like its making me crave food even when i'm not hungry. Its buggin me really bad and i wish it would stop but with my schedule, the bc was really the best option for me.