Sport Constant Hunger

Sport Fitness
I am 5'3ish (still growing) and i weight 130 pounds when i havent eaten anything and can be 132~135 pounds after i do eat.
So for the past few months, i've been having what i call, the "endless pit" stomach. No matter HOW much I eat, WHAT i eat, and how SLOWLY i eat, i never fail to get extremely hungry 5 minutes after my meal. I think this may be because im growing (i've grown 2 inches since late October 2012), and since i am a 15y/o girl, but any other ideas as to why i can't stop being hungry? Any tips, suggestions, etc. will be appreciated :)

information about mee~
-15y/0 girl, 5"3ish, 130~135 pounds
-it can take me anywhere from 30min~1 hour to eat
-i do exercise pretty regularly (im on the school track team)
-im kind of fat. (trying to lose weight, but so far there has been no progress!)
-i dont drink alot of water but im trying to drink more now! (i drink soda/juice occasionally) and if water gets too boring for me, i drink cold barley tea.
-i eat alot. (habit of eating everything on my plate; no leftovers allowed!)
-junkfood is a big part of my diet (not my choice)
It's almost cliché for teenagers to be hungry all the time. Actually, it IS cliché. Your body is generally able to handle it since someone your age is burning through food energy so quickly.

How much protein, fats, and fiber is in your diet. Those three things will keep you more full. When you eat something too heavy in carbs, your insulin spikes and you get hungry again quite quickly.
You say you're 15? Well, unless you are obese, go act now and take care of yourself. But from what you have described yourself, I'd say do not focus on depriving yourself, rather, focus on eating healthy.

- STOP. EATING. JUNK. FOOD. No if's and's or but's.

- Make green tea your best friend(when you aren't drinking water).

- Get plenty of rest. You didn't mention how much sleep you get. Rest plays a huge role in weight loss and even hunger.

- Stop drinking soda. 3 years ago I stopped drinking soda and, without any other changes in my diet or exercise, lost 15lbs in a month.

- Cut way back on carbs. If you're on the track team, try to only eat carbs before practice or an event.

- Don't eat after 7pm. Your body slows down at the end of the day and stuff you eat late ends up getting stored as fat since your body doesn't need to break it down for energy and has no other way of disposing of it at the time.
Sounds like you need to discipline yourself more by eating less junk food and start eating more nutritious foods for a starting point.
Green tea will really help and avoiding junk food is a must, all it does is make you hungry, it never fills you up.