Sport Confusing body fat with FAT intake..

Sport Fitness
Hello everyone.

I seem to be having a slight problem. My stomach seem's to be somewhat....fat, let's just say. I have a pretty strong six pack, however, it is hidden behind fat. Now, I seem to be scared that if I eat FAT, then my workout's won't payoff and I won't lose that fat. Is this at all true? As long as I exercise daily, does it matter at all how much fat I eat? Right now I calculate that I am eating somewhere in the range of 19g of fat daily. Don't get me wrong, I'm not starving myself. Quite the contrary, I seem to be filling up each meal. However, will this low fat intake work against me, or with me.

Fat intake does matter, but not because 'fat makes you fat'. If you ate 5000cals of protein a day, you'd get fat. Ditto for carbs. Ditto for fats. its the calorie surplus that makes you store fat. plain and simple.

if you decrease fat too much, your body will suffer. You really want about .5g of fat per pound of lean body mass, as a dietary minimum. That should equat to 20-25% of your daily calories coming from fat (9 calories per gram of fat). On a 2,000 calorie daily intake, 25% of fat calories would be 500 calories, roughly 55.5g of fat.

That's about my current daily intake as I'm trying to lean out. If you click my Fit day link below, you can see that I actually needed to eat almonds this afternoon because my fat intake was rather low. When a man drops fat intake too far, his body won't produce as much testosterone, and testosterone helps the body NOT store fat, and burn it for energy.

19g of fat a day is too low. Very clean diets are usually deficient in fats...but you want healthy 3's, 6's and 9's. Simply eating natural peanut butter, 1tbsp is about 14g of healthy fats. roasted almonds work great too. fish oil capsules should also be used so that you get all the omega's. salmon is also a good source of healthy fats.