Weight-Loss Confused with my nutrition/weight

Hi there,

Im a 17 year old male. I currently weigh 67 Kg and am 1.70m tall. I do a lot of sport and enjoy playing it all the time but I have realized that no matter how much I train I cannot lose weight.

I came here because I really do not understand why I am overweight (Dont judge from the numbers, visually I am 'chubby') I eat completely healthy (I never eat junk food -- I HATE it!) and about the most unhealthy thing I may eat in a day is a 'mini kit kat' or something similar with my lunch after my sandwich.

I would like some advice before I consult a specialist, as I want to look in shape before the summer ;) And another note is that, even though its clearly visual that Im not as in shape as some of my other sport friends, I can run as fast as them, Im as strong as them and Im not any worse at fitness aspects than any of them.

Any advice, notes, or tips would be great. Thanks in advance,

you don't need a specialist
you do need to sit down and start reading the stickied threads -- start i n nutrition, move on to on topic and then exercise.

once you start reading -and learning you will read me say more than once -you can eat as healthy as you want to - if you eat too many calories you're going to gain weight... period...

have you and whomever feeds you - learn about portion sizes and what caloric content of portion sizes are... and set a reasoanble calorie range for yourself (the stickied threads will give you a ball park range to shoot for)