Weight-Loss Confused on daily calorie need



New member
Hey everyone, I'm new to the forum, and need some guidance.

I've been doing some research and am a little confused, as a lot of the info around is contradicting :/

According to the BMR calculator on this site, my BMR is 2621.3 (based on 133kg male @ 182cm tall & 26 years old)

Exercise wise I do a moderate 25 min cardio circuit in the morning (I plan to increase this as my fitness level improves) and walk to and from work (takes me 18-20 mins for a 1.9km walk each way). This I guess would be considered light-moderate exercise (I work in call center, so I sit down all day while at work), Meaning based on the "Harris Benedict Formula" i should multiply my BMR by ~1.375 - 1.55

that would put my daily calorie burn at between 3600 and 4060, so taking 20% off those figures to allow weight loss (which is the guidance I seemed to find from a lot of sources) i would need 2880 - 3250 calories per day

To me this seems very high, considering the last week or so I've been counting my calories and am averaging 1700-1800 per day, and from a lot of information I've found; having too little calories can be just as counter-productive as having too many.

Any suggestions?
I'm sure this thread will blow up with people's recommendations. Here's mine.

BMR calcs are total BS. Forget trying to figure out how much you burn, there's just too many things to take into account. That said, you should view your daily caloric needs by listening to your body and judging how hungry you are. Be aware, though, that processed foods and sodas won't fill you up.

Start by focusing on cutting out processed foods. Don't worry about calories in or calories out, just get accustomed to finding the foods that are the least processed and enjoy them. I guarantee you'll lose weight. Of course, this assumes that weight loss is your goal.

(Jump into the "four hour body" thread in the "on topic" forum to see how different people's positions on daily calorie burn can be. I'll refrain from enumerating them here.)
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BMR calcs are total BS. Forget trying to figure out how much you burn, there's just too many things to take into account. That said, you should view your daily caloric needs by listening to your body and judging how hungry you are.

However, BMR or RMR calculating is a good estimate to get if you don't know where to start. Calculating mine gave me a good starting point and after taking it into account and also listening to my own body I now have a system to work with. I don't think you can say that they are total BS.
I also think BMR calculators are right. I also have 130kgs, if I eat like a normal man, with no diet, let's say 2000 calories, I lose weight because my average BMR is about 2600 calories. But on a normal day I hardly can do it. So the first step is to eat normally. If I eat as it is normal for me ( a lot ), I manage to maintain my weight.