Confused by weight gain


New member
Hi, Would love some advice as I am struggling to lose weight and am even gaining some at times and can't work our where I am going wrong.
I went on a very low carb diet before my wedding last year and used to run and exercise around 3-4times a week. I lost a bit of weight doing this and definitely felt nice and toned. I went to Thailand for a month after the wedding and did no exercise and re-introduced carbs and gained around 10lbs. This was almost a year ago and whatever I try I just cannot lose the weight. I'm back to running and weight training 4 times a week. I've tried going low carb, I've tried restricting my calories to 1000 a day and just general heathy eating which I do anyway. I've also tried fads like raspberry ketones which didn't seem to make a difference. I'm not a junk food lover so rarely eat anything super fattening. My clothes all still fit for now but I don't feel as toned as I have in the past so doubt it's muscle gain.
Welcome to the forum, I would suggest starting a thread in the diary section to track your food and exercise along with getting support from other members (it is the most popular section on the forum)

Dropping your calories this low is generally not recommended unless under medical supervision. Low Carb or keto does work well but does require some strong willpower in the first couple of weeks, but consuming ketones is not the same as producing your own through diet. The only time ketones are of use as a supplement is when you are already adapted to a Keto diet and need a boost of energy during a tough exercise session, they will not help you loose weight.
Hi and welcome. It's nice to know that I'm not the only one struggling. And thanks to Trusylver for the diary suggestion. I shall try that too.