Confused about my Diet

Height: 5'1
Weight: 115
Sex: Female
Age: 16
Goal: 105

I would usually eat 3 meals a day but was recently told to eat 5 to 6 small meals a day instead as it would help lose weight. I used to be able to lose weight by simply eating less (3 meals) and exercising. I now want to lose 10 pounds but confused as to how I should go about it. Do I always have to eat protein in every meal? Am I supposed to weight train (but I don't want to get buff just to tone or tighten my lower body)? I exercise at least 6 times a week (cardio for an hour or a sport for one and a half hours).

I'd appreciate any input on this. Thanks :).
I have also heard about eating protein with every meal and I was wondering why. Does it help specifically for losing weight? Or does it have a different purpose? I've also heard about eating the right combination of food however I have no idea what that would be. Could you please give an example of proper food combo's as well as the reason for eating protein with every meal? Thanks.
I have also heard about eating protein with every meal and I was wondering why. Does it help specifically for losing weight? Or does it have a different purpose? I've also heard about eating the right combination of food however I have no idea what that would be. Could you please give an example of proper food combo's as well as the reason for eating protein with every meal? Thanks.

There are many many reason to eat protein with every meal. The main reason though that we encourage this is because protein slows the digestion rates of sugars. This means that the carbohydrates you take in when mixed with a protein source with have a lower GI rating. In short this means that less insulin will be released into the body, less change of creating health problems or storing fat.

Here is a great food eating combo for fat loss to optimize as much as possible.
(this of course varies based on Pre and post workout nutrition if involved in heavy training)

Meal 1-Pro-Carb (simple/complex)
Meal 2-Pro-Carb (simple/complex)
Meal 3-Pro-Carb (simple/complex)
Meal 4-Pro-Fat-Carb (veggie)
Meal 5-Pro-Fat-Carb (veggie)
Another big reason protein is important is because if you're on a caloric deficit, then your body is sapping energy from the extra stored energy. Ideally this would be fat, and only fat. However if you don't eat any protein, your body can use up your muscles for energy too. If you lose all your muscle, you'll look like a don't want that. To look thin and toned you need to get a solid weight training program and eat plenty of protein to maintain muscle. About 1g/lb of bodyweight is good, and make sure to drink enough water. You can find a water calculator here: daily recommended water

Eating a lot of protein won't make you look like a bodybuilder - it's next to impossible for women to get massive and ripped like male bodybuilders because they don't have anywhere near the testosterone levels required to build those sorts of muscles...but that's a whole different topic. Basically, don't worry about 'bulking up', especially while you're on a caloric deficit for weight loss purposes.

Also the reason for 5-6 small meals is because it helps keep your blood sugar levels more constant and not bouncing up and down all day. This will help you maintain a constant energy source (no 'highs and lows' throughout the day...we all have experienced those) but also prevent fat storage. When you have a LOT of blood sugar at once (ie after dinner, after a big breakfast) insulin is released...

One of the side effects of insulin is increased triglyceride synthesis (fat storage). So keeping blood sugar levels constant throughout the day will lower release of insulin, and therefore fat storage. That's also why people say 'carbs are bad' - carbs (sugars, basically) will make you release a lot of insulin, and thus store more fat.
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Thanks for the info both of you. I knew from posts I've read from Steve that it's hard for women to bulk up. I used to be worried about that until I read some of his stuff. I do cardio kickboxing 3 days a week and resistance training 3 days a week (alternating them of course) and Sunday is my rest day. So I do know protein is important especially for resistance training. I just was always confused on why protein with every meal, but you guys have really cleared that up. Thanks a lot :)