Confessions of a foodaholic


New member
i thought it might be interesting to start a thread where you can write the top three worst things you did foodwise during your highest wait or before you decided to make you lifestyle change. sometimes i need to remember where i've come from so that i can NEVER go back there again. here's my top 3 confessions:


-in the month of December 08, i ate a box of quality street chocolate almost every single day, to say i ate about 25 boxes that month would be just about accurate (clearly my meaning of christmas was different from others).

- i had pizza-hut, dominoes pizza and my local chinese takeaway all on speed dial, heck i even knew their phone numbers offhead. there was a certain month last year either october or november where there was a loop hole in the pizza-hut online delivery system and it would give double quantity for half the price...i took full advantage of it and thought they were total suckers! who's laughing now though, definitely not me with all the pounds i added :(

- finally, the amount of money i spent in junk food last year was criminal, to the point i'd always be broke waiting on my next pay check. there would be those broke days just before getting my salary where i'd have about £10 between me and poverty, instead of buying cooking ingredients that would last a while, i'd be like what the heck, things will take care of themselves and would by myself chinese or pizza. which reminds me, ben and jerry's should award me a medal for the amount of icecream i ate last year, all i can say is damn ben and damn jerry...never again!

i'm sooo not proud of the things i've done, i made my change on feb 1st and never looked back since. everyday is a struggle but i remind myself where i've come from and where i've been so that i can never return there ever again.
The worst three things I have done food wise? Let me see.....

1) In 2006, before I mover over the UK, I ate the same thing every day for over a month. It was pasta with mushrooms in cream sauce, they sold it in 1 kg bags (1 kg = roughly 2.3 lbs). It was supposed to feed 5 people. I would throw the contents into a bowl, add a full tub of double cream, and microwave it. One for lunch, one for dinner. The bags had about 3000 calories each, plus the cream. :svengo:

2) Christmas 2007 I got a package from my mother containing various German sweets that I couldn't get around here. About 20 lbs of chocolate, marzipan and other stuff, plus a cake and cookies. The package was delievered at 10 am, by 3 pm everything was gone, and I was in the bathroom, throwing up. :(

3) When I went to McDonalds, I used to get myself 2 Chicken Sandwiches, 2 Filet of Fish, 2 Hamburgers, 20 Nuggets, 2 BigMac and a large chocolate milkshake. Then I usually went back to get something else 'on the go'.

There's hundreds more things, but I think the above stuff is amongst the worst. I was just horrible when it came to food. Yesterday I went to McDonalds to get something for the rest of the family, considered getting myself a burger as well, then decided against it and got myself a Subways 6" with turkey and loads of salad instead. It was delicious! :)
Now look at how you are both eating these days.

Amazing, isn't it?

Such a huge accomplishment, to change your lifestyle from that to where you are now.

Hats off to you, ladies.
thanks cord! i know i still have a looong way to go weightwise, but i definitely feel miles away from where i was in january, and i'm never going back.

Now look at how you are both eating these days.

Amazing, isn't it?

Such a huge accomplishment, to change your lifestyle from that to where you are now.

Hats off to you, ladies.
1) The one that represents my state of mind at the time best. At night, like 2 am, 3 am, I'd sit up in bed, get my laptop, chuck on a movie, grab a box of crackers and a pack of sliced cheese, and eat it till they were gone.

2) Whenever we'd have fast food, I'd order at least 3000 calories worth (not consciously thinking about calories, I just worked out what I'd usually have recently). I couldn't eat it all at once. I'd eat what I could and save the rest for later on.

3) My favourite breakfast used to be french toast. I'd have close to a whole loaf to myself.

****... that was disgusting just to type out.
Okay, I have looked at this thread and a little afraid to admit and also, not even knowing where to start because I've had so many bad eating habits. But I should admit this stuff to come clean and to understand myself better.

1. Cake. Anything cake-like I LOVE it. I got into a very bad habit of buying cakes from the store, just to eat it. Only my closest relatives knew how much I ate in secret, so they'd maybe have a piece. But I would eat the rest in the period of two or three days.

When buying the cakes, I had enormous guilt and shame. I'd only go when the store is about to close, the less people that saw me buying a cake, the better. And I'd only go to a cashier if they looked like they weren't gonna ask me any questions. I once bought tiny little cakes, and this cashier asked me if they were for a party. And I replied YES. Stores that had self checkout were a blessing to me. I loved it.

I remind myself of one of those bulimics go to multiple grocery stores in different cities just so people can't see you buying the crappiest food imaginable.

I can pretty much resist anything. I have left a gallon of my favorite ice cream in the fridge for a few months, with no problem at all. But anything cakey, I just can't handle it.

It truly is a wonder that I don't have diabetes or heart disease or that I don't weigh 800 lbs.
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****... that was disgusting just to type out.
heya FLG, thanks for contributing, and you know what? i think that's the exact point of the thread, for you to read what you've done in the past and tell yourself you won't go back there ever again. i also kinda felt physically sick typing out my list because no one in real life knows that i ever did any of those things, but it just felt soooo good for me to type it out and let it out of my system, some form of release you know? it's like when i wrote the points in the thread titled 'what our wake up call is' or something like that, i thought i'd die when i hit the send button, but i actually felt relief, like my secret is out there and i don't have to hold it in anymore.

Okay, I have looked at this thread and a little afraid to admit and also, not even knowing where to start because I've had so many bad eating habits. But I should admit this stuff to come clean and to understand myself better.

1. Cake. Anything cake-like I LOVE it. I got into a very bad habit of buying cakes from the store, just to eat it. Only my closest relatives knew how much I ate in secret, so they'd maybe have a piece. But I would eat the rest in the period of two or three days.

When buying the cakes, I had enormous guilt and shame. I'd only go when the store is about to close, the less people that saw me buying a cake, the better. And I'd only go to a cashier if they looked like they weren't gonna ask me any questions. I once bought tiny little cakes, and this cashier asked me if they were for a party. And I replied YES. Stores that had self checkout were a blessing to me. I loved it.

I remind myself of one of those bulimics go to multiple grocery stores in different cities just so people can't see you buying the crappiest food imaginable.

I can pretty much resist anything. I have left a gallon of my favorite ice cream in the fridge for a few months, with no problem at all. But anything cakey, I just can't handle it.

It truly is a wonder that I don't have diabetes or heart disease or that I don't weigh 800 lbs.
hey dreamingblue! thanks for contributing....i was in the same boat as you (still am actually, it's just that i avoid all things cake like the plague because it's the one thing i find very hard to resist). to add matters worse i became a midnight shopper at those huge 24hour stores where i knew i'd be able to pick all the junk food i wanted without anyone watching me and yes those self-checkout counters were my very best friend so that i didn't have to look at anyone or talk to anyone as i was scanning my cakes, cookies, icecream, chocolates, pizza...and God knows what else all in one go....of which would finish by the next day and i'd go back and do the same thing all over again....jeez! no wonder i was broke! but we're all working on moving away from that and will one day when we're out our goal weights we'll look back and say it was a long road but we made it, WE DID IT!
Let me think back to this.

Three embarrassing things.

1. I would eat supper, then when I went to a friends and they were cooking supper, theyd ask if I ate yet. My (lie) So two suppers on various nights.

2. I would demolish whole bags of cheese puffs in literally like 10 minutes. They were my weakness. Weird that I dont care for them anymore. haha

3. I'd stay up until 5 in the morning sitting just like so, and the whole time eating as I went.

(I'll add this too but it has nothing to do with the food really...I just used to do it to make myself feel better)
4. I'd tell people oo I lost a pound/two/three, knowing that it was either a lie. or yes I lost 3 but previous to that I gained 6.

Horray for goal weight! (almost, a couple pounds up now) :hurray:

Good luck to you all!
WOW!!! you've all came so far since then....:hurray::hurray::hurray:

i can't really think of any specific instances really (maybe i've blocked them out!! (LOL) but the 4 'C's were my downfall....

chocolate/crisps/cheese & cake...

followed not far behind by the 2 'B's....

biscuits & bread!!!

whats been strange for me is finding that its been A LOT harder to reign in my habit & dependence on bread & cheese than even chocolate??!!! which i had always thought my was major comfort/binge food...

basically just a total carb groupie!!!!

could never give up bread....but always make sure wholemeal/oatmeal now & often use wraps now instead (even i don't put butter in those!!)

gradually cutting down cheese intake too...though could never give up good old cheddar completely least now eat far more cottage cheese & laughing cow light cheeses (which are gorg btw!!) when i do feel the urge for cheese.
BREAD! and real butter.. lashings of it!

I have been known to eat whole Bagettes with a quater stick of butter on them >_<

And I also have the cake thing... hence why I don't buy or make them now... I used to make my son (who is dramatically UNDER weight) cakes or cookies every single day.. and of course I would have to have one.. or three or... >_<

I now buy him packs of donuts (which I don't like) instead... I still have to cook him one high calorie meal a day.. and I still can't resist pinching a few fries or chicken breast nugget(s) (homemade and bloody delicious- but still deep fried and high cal!) every single time! Argh! It's also hard when I am making him a sandwich on his lovely fresh crusty white bread from the local bakery LOL I have to hold my nose so as not to smell it's seductive aroma!

But I am working on it.. whereas before I would deliberately cook extra fries (so I could secretly eat them) .. I now don't, and am really concious of it and trying very hard to get to a point where I don't eat anything off his plate.. I was very proud the other night he had several of those yummy Chicken breast things left over and I gave them to the dogs instead of eating them!!!!
Oh there were lots of bad habits I had ... but embarrassing ones? Hm.

1 - I frequently ate an entire bag of Lay's Sour Cream and Onion potato chips for dinner. Not the little ones. Not the regular sized ones. The family sized ones. Then I'd throw away the bag and take out the trash myself so no one would know.

2 - Sonic was my favorite fast food place and I'd order a burger AND corn dogs AND onion rings AND tots and cheddar peppers ... and then 2 drinks so I could pretend it was for 2 people. Often I'd just throw away the 2nd drink.

3 - If I had to go to someone's house for dinner or a party, I'd swing through a drive through and eat a meal first - because I wanted to make sure I'd get enough to eat and I also wanted to fill up enough that I didn't want to make a pig of myself in front of others.
1) Sonny's BBQ- (I think it is just in the southern states, not national.) Pulled pork platter, cornbread, sweet potato, mac&cheese and a coke. My boyfriend and I would go to Sonny's Monday-Friday. To the point, that the waitress knows us by name, brings out drinks out as soon as we sit down, and knows our order off the top of her head. Got to the point where we were spending $500-700 a month on eating there. So far we have gone 3 times since January!

2) Cupcakes- my bf has a constant sweet tooth. Somehow he can stay thin while doing so. Grr. Usually once or twice a week, he would ask me to make him some cupcakes. So I would, but end up eating half of them myself. We would usually finish off a plate of cupcakes in about 3 days. :( Cupcake for breakfast, cupcake for snack, and cupcake for dessert.

3) Breads- bread is a huge weakness for me. There is nothing better than a nice loaf of bread straight out of the oven. If I am having a meal that has bread, I will skimp on the healthier items, and eat double or triple breads.

This is why I'm fat. :piggy:
1. Last summer before i started to lose weight, and would go to HEB (a grocery store in Texas- best place ever!!!! lol) and buy a roll of cookie dough and eat it

2.I'm addicted to cookies (still am) and could eat a whole box of frosted sugar cookies by myself, or eat fresh ones until i got sick

3. I would eat waffles covered in butter
The 3 Food Confessions...

1 and 2 happened before 2007.

1. On the nights that my favorite shows would come on, I would go to the store and buy a family sized bag of Lay's Potato Chips and Sour Cream Dip and sit in front of the TV with my Mother and eat them. (We both had our own bag of chips and our own dip)

2. There was one time, when I made myself, Meat Loaf, Green Beans, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, and ate it by myself. I got the Meat Loaf from the local grocery store, the food was enough to feed a family of 4 but I ate it all myself because I was bored. Oh the guilt I had after that... it got really bad that I went to the bathroom and tried to make myself puke but didn't. Instead I just sat in the restroom crying, cursing at myself, and punching the wall. I also did this with Spaghetti and Garlic Bread on a different occasion.

3. Just recently (Not even a Month ago), I went to Applebee's with my Mother and ate an Oriental Chicken Wrap, French fries, House Salad, Hot Fudge Sunday dessert, and drank tons of Lemonade. Than 30 minutes later, my boyfriend wanted to go to Olive Garden so we could have a nice dinner together and not wanting to ruin his plans, we went there and I ordered Fettuccine Chicken Alfredo, ate a salad, and half of the bread sticks, and drank tons of Lemonade.

Heck, I know we slip sometimes and since I've been dieting and eating healthier since November 2008, when #3 happened I felt so guilty. That night I felt sick to my stomach, hated myself for doing what I did, so I got on my treadmill and worked out. (It was only for 30 minutes and jogging at 5.0mph, but although I knew it didn't help because my calorie intake was so bad, it did help me stop being mad at myself and stressing over what happened because if I had let it bother me more, I probably would have ate something else.)

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