Completely new to... well... EVERYTHING [pics]

Ok, a bit about myself. I'm 22, a smoker (sorry, that's going to take a while).

I'm 6'0", 160 lbs. I'm lanky, I'm bony, I'm lean...ish.

But I never exercise. Never could get into it. Especially going to the gym here on campus... It just... yeah. Eventually, but not until I get a BASIS to work on.

My legs, I'm ok with. My main concern, like most dudes, is my stomach, my chest, and my arms, in that order.

I'd like a simple, no-weights daily regime, easy to follow and understand, that I can do right here in my dormroom.

A little more about me: I can't do a proper pushup. NO chest strength. I can do like, ten, not going down all the way, and that's about that.

I can't do a situp unless my feet are under something heavy. Without that, I can't even pull myself up a quarter of the way just using my ab muscles.

I also have a beer-pooch-thing going on on my stomach.

I'm looking for someone that can help me with a DAILY, healthy routine to get lean and toned. Not looking to "buff", so much as tone down... cut without being beefy, if you follow.

Me sucking in:

Me just relaxing:

Help me tone up? I'm willing to take it as far as I nee to really. For me, for my girl, for a better self image. I throw myself at your mercy.