complete beginner help

well i just started working out yesterday, here is my * not so good routine*

okay yesterday, here's what ive done.

Dumbbell weight is 15lbs

Pushups 2X10
Bicep curl 3X15
Tricep lift ( i dont know what its called, but its where you lift dumbell behind your head) 2X15
Situp 2X20

i am trying to gain a little muscle , what you guys think?
i also drink protein shakes after my workout.

i am 6 0 ft, 160 lbs, 16 years old
Not a bad start. However, you would benefit greatly by adding leg exercises, dips, and pullups. Try prisoner squats and lunges. There are numerous other bodyweight leg exercises to do, just look through this forum or do a google search. You can get a pullup bar that mounts in a door frame for a reasonable price.
You Should do more Push Ups like 10 sets of 10 reps and also Sit-ups
When you Train the Stomach you should also do Leg Lifts, V-ups,Crunches
And Oblique Crunch (elbow to knee).

If you train with Weight you most always have one day rest after the day you trained with weight so the Muscle can build up

Your Routine does just train the upper body wich will make your body unbalance

you also most train the lower body by Doing Lunge, Squat and Deep Knee Bends

a Great Exercise for the Upper Body is the Chin-ups and the Pullups it's also says it can makes you grow Taller

Do as many as you can

Good Luck!