Comparing Love to Drugs?

Let me tell you a little story about addiction. Addiction is a drug that comes in many, many forms. It does not have to be a pill you swallow, a needle you inject, or a powder you stick up your nose. It can be as simple as a beautiful face.

At the tender age of 20 I went to a concert with one of my friends, and she brought along 2 of her friends. I looked to my right and saw this little girl with dark hair, she was kinda cute, and I was kinda shy. I didn't end up saying anything to her accept maybe throwing a smile her way. A couple of days later, I messaged her online, and we would stay up all night talking until 3 and 4am. I took a chance and asked her out, a few months passed, and we ended up dating. A few years then passed and we couldent get enough of each other. I was addicted to her like I was addicted to being alive. At the time, I was also addicted to anabolic steroids. Needless to say it's not healthy for a body, nor is it healthy for a relationship.

We struggled to stay together, she hoped the love was strong enough, while I hoped I would change my ways fast enough. As we soon found out, hoping was nothing more than a good-bye letter.

She called me up and asked me to meet her in a parking lot right outside of my neighborhood. I stepped in her car, looked at the face I had seen over a thousand times, and watched as she faught the tears back. She told me in the sweetest voice, "I can't be with you anymore, I want to see someone else". At that point I tried to step out of the car, but my legs could not hold me. I became inconsolable, my eyes rained with tears, and the only thing I could get out was, " I love you" to me, there was nothing else to say. There simply were not words strong enough, nor any word at all that could explain how I felt. I baraged her with flowers, notes, and calls, anything I could to urge her to reconsider. However, I knew what I was doing, I was pushing her away. The drug I had been living on for 3 years had just been pulled away, and I was going cold turkey.

I had no appetite, no drive, and no smile for four weeks. I couldent see straight, I don't remember much of what even happened during those four weeks of "detox". Every memory I had was going blurry, but the memories of her were oh so clear. Every night I would remember a new one that was long lost in my memory bank, the only time I would smile. Maybe I was young, immature, stupid, gullible... or maybe I was addicted.

I know relationships are supposed to be strong but how strong should the ties between lovers be? So strong that you strangle each other to near death? Or loose enough for wiggle room? This reminds me of that song, "Hold on loosely, but don't let go".

Love for me was a textbook addiction, lack of sleep, supressed appetite, blurry vision, nausea, racing thoughts, strong urge to reverse the circumstance. All of these are signs of a drug abuser going through detox. What do love and addiction have in common then?

Have you ever asked yourself, "Why did I do that? What was I thinking?" If you have, continue to read, this explains why.
Now to break this down scientifically. Girlfiends make us feel absolutly wonderful, this is a sign of increased serotonin. One could say that I was high when I was with her, in a sense. Let this continue for three years and my body has now adopted these chemicls as it's natural state. I can tell you even the bad times were great times, again a sign of a small natural high. Now that my homeostasis is a 'good' feeling one, all my body needs now is the reassurance that the source stays open, as it did, for a good long while. Once the source ended, boom, your body then goes into a state of panic, the setup that it had solidified for itself has just been completely cut off. It's routine of natural order, can no longer work. So, the body is sent into a state of panic, it first wants to do whatever it can to make you feel those feelings again. It will make a sane person absolutely crazy. The thoughts you find racing are your brains attempt at convinving you to get back to the source. However, there is no source anymore, in another desperate attempt, it will drive you to date again relatively quickly, so the natural order of itself does not have to completely realter. The feeling of just being near the person will give you a sense of relief. Why is that? the circumstance is still the same. So, why must an illusionary step forward relieve the constant agony, even just for a little bit? It feels this way, because your brain senses that you are closer to the 'source'

Much like drug addiction, the stages of "love withdrawl' are much like detoxing from a drug. The body adapts an exogeneous medium to basically build it's internal state on. If you are on heroin for 3 years everyday and you suddenly run out ,what do you do? You go crazy, you don't eat or sleep, your goal is to get that drug back, and every thought you once thought that you would not do, you find yourself thinking is a good idea. Remember that when this happens, it is not what you want to happen, it's merely what your body wants to happen. So, when you are about to do something rash, rethink your decision with your concience. Ask yourself, who wants this, me or my body?

Not to compare Ex GF's to drugs or anything, I just wanted to break down why relationships are so crazy and why we get crazy when we leave them.

My personal opinion is that there is much more to love than the mere science behind it. Although, the science behind it can help us make better decisions and understand one another a lot better, also.

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This is highly intriguing to find here :)

Well... love withdrawal, and love addiction does not tend to happen for people who have no problem with addiction, there are slight similarities, when you are truly in love you can feel so high and amazing, but you also feel real, you do not become delusional, and it lasts. Many addicts reach for the love feelings temporarily to fill an empty void, but those feelings are just artificial.

Love for someone normal, can be a killer if something goes wrong, only because you open yourself up to that person so deeply, become so vulnerable, and it hurts. I think if you mourn the loss of someone you love, and they are still alive, it is even worse than grieving someone dead.
If anyone becomes "obsessed" over someone, "reliant and co dependent" that is not love, that is not healthy, not normal, and they need help with psychological problems.

But back to addiction,
You see this is exactly why they preach in recovery programs, twelve steps, addiction groups... that addicts of ALL kinds, alcoholic, whatever should stay the hell away from relationships, sex and the opposite sex for the first few years of recovery.
Maybe we are born with an addict brain, maybe easily addictive to everything, it doesn't matter what your addiction is to, because chances are if you never found heroin you would have become addicted to oxygen if you could. And you will become addicted to people, and possibly USE them just like a drug.

There is not actually anything to dissect about "love", because love is real, but what an addict sees is artificial, that is all he sees, he uses anything to achieve a high, and love is one of the most powerful ecstasy like feelings to mimic.

I know all about how the high and ignorance in "passion" can become so easily addicting. It just so happens i have the worst addiction for that, sex addiction. It's not what everyone thinks it is, in reality, they classify it as a "love disorder" and also a worse addiction you can't completely cut out forever like you can whiskey, and it also damages loved ones and strangers more than the influence of narcotics does, and yeah you can destroy lives with a narcotic addiction. i also have other addictions as well, but i'm working on recovery, doing well in my sobriety.