Weight-Loss Commercial Foods For Your Diet?



New member
I would like to see what commercial foods everyone uses to help them with their diets. We all know that fresh fruits and vegetables are optimal, but sometimes you need something portable and quick. Here are my favorites:

La Tortilla Low Carb Tortillas
Kashi Go Lean Crunch Cereal
Smart Start Strawberry Squares
No Sugar Peaches in little cups (only 25 calories and great for a snack!)
Low fat cottage cheese
Low fat Mozzarella sticks
Fat Free Jello
Kashi Frozen Pizzas
Anything from Boca or Morningstar
South Beach cereal bars (my favorite is the Peanut Butter and the Cranberry)

What are your favorites? I love to eat and am always looking for something new and healthy to incorporate into my diet. My dream is to find some spicy/cheesy/salty snacks that will blast off the pounds!
Ooh this is quite fun:

I really love greek gods yogurt/or fage 0% yogurt
Soyslender vanilla milk or light silk plain
Kashi Granola Bars (roasted almond crunch)
Cottage Cheese
Splenda Fruit Cups
String Cheese
100 Calories packs (doritos or sunchips *yumm*)
100 cal packs of dried fruit/crasins
Tuna cups
Deli Turkey
1-2% cheese
Morningstar Chik Pattys
Lean Cuisines
Amys Organic Mac and Cheese
Brown Rice
Advanced Whey Protein
Luna Bars

**to name a few :beating:
Kashi: Go Lean & Go Lean Crunch, granola bars
Skinny Cow fudge bars (when I GOTTA have ice cream)
Weight Watchers Yogurt, Nancy's fat free, plain yogurt (though I'm tempted to try the Greek yogurt next shopping go round)
Horizon low fat (2%) milk
Kraft 2% sharp cheddar , grated

That's some of it, anyway.:biggrinjester:
I love the Koshi Go Lean Granola bars. They are excellent!!

I also love the cheddar and mozzarella string cheese.

White Cheddar rice cakes
baked soy crisps
clif bar - peanut crunch
mixed nuts (raw)
wendy's chili
air popped pocorn

disclaimer - these snacks aren't the healthiest choices, but they work for me.