Come on! Lets show our support for AIM!

I decided to make a separate thread to provide a wider support for our brother AIM.

Lets band together and give him some constructive thoughts and opinions on his problems, and try to help this youngman!

This was posted to the ChillOut Log:

My initial questions:

Originally Posted by Aiming4165
The Chillout Log Well,:) I'm here to ask for some help about my current progress. The thing is I haven't been making much for a while. Now that summer approaches, my fears are coming back(taking shirt off at the pool, wearing shirts, etc.) which wants me to get back on track. Now, although looks are a good thing to have, health is still #1, which is why I'm concerned with my high cholesterol and blood pressure. I want to be in better shape, but I just can't get that consistency when I start some routine diet + exercise.

1. Why havent you made progress? Explain this in your own words.

2. Explain some of your fears, Aim? Why is this seemingly (at the moment) stronger than the desire to get back on track?

3. Explain some of the "positives" that assist you to wanting to get back on track. I know your back ground, so I know its wanting to lose some weight. What is pushing you to do this?

My point is to push you to bring this out (if you want to on a forum, that is), and with you being very honest with it.

4. Have you had your cholesterol and blood pressure checked recently.

Best wishes to you!


And, Aiming's response:

1. I haven't made progress because I simply cannot stay consistent with my diet/exercise program. One day I'll be good(gym+eat right) next day I will see a box of oreos and overeat them...I am on a rollercoaster with my weight loss wants. One day I see myself as fat(look in the mirror see my body fat) next day I will see myself as not so fat because I compare myself to some other people I see and say I'm at a decent weight. I recently read a good quote which 100% applies to me:
"Your only limits are self-imposed"

2. My Fear? I guess the only doubt I have of losing weight is getting out of my "comfort zone." If I have a choice to eat pizza rather than chicken, OK! If I can sit at home on the computer rather than going to the gym, OK! That's what I know gets me. It seems like I'm aware of all my faults, but its really hard to improve them. I mean, why is it so hard for me to get up and exercise? Hmm, sitting at home then sweating? That's why...

3. My positives? I remember that thread I had with my *AIM's Progress Pics*, I felt awesome. For that short time I followed the program, I did not feel fatigued, never really gave up so easily, and lost some weight. Also, my self-esteem was higher knowing I was doing something good for myself. Also, Remember the dreaded backpack thread? I seem to go back and forth with that feeling too. All winter, which is now over, I was wearing sweaters, covering up my "fat look" but now summer is here, and shirts are back in season. Another incident I never mentioned here on the forum is a pool incident. On vacation one summer, I don't know how but I did not really care or was so self-conscious, but so many people were staring at me(I believe it was Noah's Arc). I want to go to a pool with my chin up and internally happy.
While it may seem like I want to improve just my appearance, its also my health. Now, If I felt great that short time on that progress pics thread, why wouldn't I stick with that? Junk food, I seriously screwed the whole program and gave into a temptation such as food, a temporary pleasure whose only outcome is more fat accumulating...I'm conscious, but its not enough to get my to stop, I do not know why.....

4. No, my BP or cholesterol has not been checked recently. I only get it checked when I go to the doctor and I haven't been there since freshman year b4 high skool.

All constructive feedback welcome! Lets ROCK this young man!

Best regards,

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AIM SPEAKS! And he Listens.........:

I am a champion standing over the shadow of my former self.

WE ENTER ANOTHER DIMENSION......OF.................Blazing Hope. ...It is a quality which keeps a man on his feet with his face to the wind. It is the virtue which can transmute the hardest trial into glory because beyond the pain, it sees the goal.....................................

Let's not limit our challenges, instead, let's challenge our limits!


AIM is the CHAMPION and the VICTOR!

Life brings what it brings………...

AIM might be young but he has learnt this:

AIM prepares for each blind corner with his strongest shoulder dropped, ready to smash through whatever is thrown at him next.

Once the dust clears, AIM will be standing tall, a champion, a victor.

NOTHING will be able to knock you down once you've taken the biggest hits this life has to offer---->so come on life, BRING IT!

"You Can Stop Clocks with your Mental Fierceness"​

AIM You are a HERO:

In the name of the best within you, do not sacrifice this world to those who are its worst.

In the name of the values that keep you alive, do not let your vision of man be distorted by the ugly, the cowardly, the mindless in those who have never achieved his title.

Do not lose your knowledge that man's proper estate is an upright posture, an intransigent mind and a step that travels unlimited roads.

Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark, in the hopeless swamps of the approximate, the not-quite, the not-yet, the not-at-all.

Do not let the hero in your soul perish, in lonely frustration for the life you deserved, but have never been able to reach.

Check your road and the nature of your battle.

The world you desired can be won, it exists, it is real, it is possible, it's yours.

(Ayn Rand--Modified/Changed by Chillen)

Aiming's new Sig:

"Though I may lose externally daily, internally I am undefeated."

Chillen within some interpretation:

It's not what you are that holds you back, it's what you think you're not. Happiness is fleeting; only joy lasts forever. One can only be joyful once he/she realizes that external material and trivial things should never penetrate the internal character.


Some funny SH@T for my friend, AIM:




Best regards,

I will be responding to your post, AIM sometime today after work.

Some back ground on AIM:

Hope you dont mind AIM, there is "strength" in different opinions, and working together on our problems. We ALL have them, they just can be different from one person to the next

Okay, time to be busten it in the gym: Off to train........

Be happy everyone! Have a great day!

Best regards,

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It seems at times that it would be a no brainer to live "well". Yet despite the fleeting security that living the wrong way gives at it is so easy to cave to both temptation and lethargy. I can't give you any worthwhile advice, as I am right there with you brother, what I can give you is support and camaraderie. I am a shadow of my former self, on the outside at least. For the past ten years I have lost my will to "Drive ON!" as my former athletic and military self would. But life has caught up and kicked me in the ass. I have a beautiful daughter that I would like to see grow up. I have realized that there is no room in my life for both sides of me. It can only be the strong self inner and out, or the weak self. Tonight I will be starting a journal on this site. I am not certain I will get my starting photos up ... but if not tomorrow for certain. I will not only post photos of my current poor state but that of me in my "prime" and those of examples of what I hope to achieve. My goals are certainly to lose weight and be a strong healthy person. Yet there is more. I was strong once mentally. I would run in rain, heat, sleet, or snow. I would eat healthy. And I felt good. Yet my aim isn't to get back to this state.... it is to far exceed it. While there are certainly others here that are far more knowledgeable than I, feel free to hit me up any time you wish.

Take that feeling of confidence and build from there. Realize that the feeling is not going to come from sitting at a computer and eating pizza.

The initial hump seems to be your problem. Next time you go grocery shopping pass up the frozen food section, the deli, the dessert aisle. Focus on the produce and the fresh meat section of the store. Stock up on healthy foods don't buy ANY junk. This is what helped me with my iniative to eat better at the very beginning. When I was given my cholesterol numbers at first a voice in my head told me I was going to die of a heart attack at age 40 if I was lucky. I refuse to listen to that voice. I've since kicked that little dudes ass who was saying that to me.

Once you get over that hump it will be easier and if you're anything like me the more you learn the more passionate you will become about your training. Also as you begin to change your physical appearance and as you start to feel better use this as your motivation to keep pushing harder because it only gets better.

Life really is too short to sit on the couch or play computers and watch your health rot away. Your posts indicate what you want. Now seize this oppurtunity to get what you want. Realize it will be a long road and nothing in life is easy. But the rewards will be well worth your efforts.
The fact is that you're setting pseudo standards with yourself. It's not a problem of motivation. You are motivated to exercise and live well. The problem is finding a way to actually do it. Judging by your post, you understand the concept of living and eating healthy. Living and eating healthy is not as simple as "eat only these kind of food and not those" and not as simple as "go to the gym everyday." We live in a very exciting world with many food to eat and many things to play with. Enjoy these things and enjoy existing at a time when you can make choices between what to eat and what to play with.

When you understand it is alright to eat your favorite food from time to time, and that it is perfectly fine to sit down and play on the computer, then you will feel at ease. You will see that you can enjoy eating pizzas and you can enjoy playing on the computer while living healthy - as silly as it sound, having a concept that no food is bad food is actually a healthy way to live. It's not so much as one day of eating pizzas, nor it is about one day of being on the computer. It's about the total. In total, if you're try to eat healthy and try to get exercises going, then you will be perfectly fine. Don't stress out if you eat a Oreo. If you find yourself overeating, sit back and think about why you just overate. Think real hard, and at first it might not be so obvious but your constant thinking about what is good and what is bad is the reason why you overeat. When you forbid something, you eventually give into it. Forbid nothing, and accept everything. Keep an open mind and you'll be fine. Enjoy things and you'll find that there is a lot more to enjoy.
Aiming4165 I read through all of your posts and the one thing that I see consistently throughout is your sense of honesty, integrity, and openness.

I think it takes a lot of courage to open up completely to an internet community and I wanted to congratulate you on taking the first steps to make your life what you want it to be.

I know what you mean when talking about seesawing back and forth between hardcore fitness/diet and back to the ol' Oreos and TV. It isn't easy to be in shape, especially when you have to juggle it with everyday life. The problem may be that your end goal is so far away it can, at times, seem unreachable, which inherently is depressing.

What may help tremendously is to take things one day at a time (as cheesy as that may sound). Plan out one day, what you're going to eat, what you're going to do, and make sure you DO them, cause it's only for a day, right?

The next day, plan everything again, and execute, no DON'T touch those OREOS, you can go ONE day longer!

Before you know it, you'll string three days together, then a week, then two weeks, then a month!

Don't punish yourself for falling off the wagon in the past, what's done is done and that will have NOTHING to do with your future. Just resolve yourself to change and make it happen.

As Chillen preaches this community is a valuable resource and asset and many people here would like to help you reach your goals!
OK, AIM, you fell off the wagon. That's OK--you can always get back on!

I hear you kicking yourself in the butt and chastising yourself for mistakes made. Try this--take ALL that energy you're using on beating yourself up, and MOVE IT FORWARD! You cannot change the stuff that's behind you. You can only learn from it and move on! Take that energy and use it for your own good!

Take yourself OUT of the place where you screwed up. Put yourself IN the place of being on the path to success! Learn from your mistakes and GO GET YOUR GOAL!!!

You know what it takes to attain success. You have even achieved success. Now, go do it some more!!

Where are the cheerleader smilies??
it seems to me that you have a temperment which is not very concerned with how you look, really.

If you can find out what you wish to DO. Doing is cool. Many times the thinking becomes- man, if I was 165, then at the park i would take my shirt off, play volleyball, be able to stand and talk to chicks with no shirt- yadayada.

So then we think- my goal is to BE 165. and we forget all about the reason WHY we want to be 165-- REMEMBER it was to be outside, confident and whaterver it is for you.

This afternoon I went to my kids bustop in shorts. that's it shorts. there were 5 or 6 mom's there, and I WAS FEELIN IT HUGE! then finally Marcy, whom is a friend of mine came out and said it- Good Lord Todd, you look great. your abs are poppin.

wow! when I was trying to get abs and look good it was hell, and a daily grind to get motivated.

But for me- when I realized I wanted to DO an ironman, the training was fueled by what I am going to DO. and thus I became what I wanted to BE all along.

it is deep, but there may be a lil something there that can help ya.

Who the hell wants to go to the gym everyday just to look a certain way? NOT YOU! and that is the point.

WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO? then get your chicken sheeyaht ass in shape enough to do it!



Move it to the top of the recent posts list. :)

For those that have taken time to respond: Thank you!

I know AIM will appreciate them all.

Have a great day!

I posted an article by Steve Pavlina in the COL called "Overwhelming Force", I want you to read, AIM.

Best wishes,

This stuff isn't easy for anybody, man. I know it can be hard as hell for me to keep up with healthy eating when I'm taking hard ass accounting classes, working 22 hours a week, spending time with my woman, selling off old car parts, and hanging out with friends. Everybody has a reason to take the easy route...some days after being at school and work for 10+ hours, I just want to go home, take my pants off, and watch Jeopardy. But I'll tell you what, a few sets of deadlifts, military presses, and rows has me feeling great about myself, my day, and can often make me even more productive the rest of the night! Sometimes I just want to eat subs or whatever they are having catered at work, but it pays off to be the one whose eating carrots, chicken, and peanut butter and not sweating greasy mayo. It can be hard to spend an hour a night cooking up food and bagging up a lunch for the next day, but it makes my food choices so much easier the next day, since it's all ready and waiting for me. And to keep sane, I'll have something I like from time to time. Nothing wrong with that as long as it isn't a everyday, all day long thing.

I probably rambled, but just don't get discouraged, every day is a new day, and you can make what you wish of it!
Seems like everyone has said anything that needs to be said, but i'll share a quote that might get you thinking.

"In the case of the body and losing fat, sometimes people have more success thinking of their body as their enemy.

In other words, they think their body is being stubborn, it's not cooperating, and it must be shown that you're the boss. I've seen pro-bodybuilders cussing their own quads out as they crank out burning drop sets of leg extensions. "Take that mother****ers! Grow goddammit!"

It sounds silly, but it works. With fat loss, frustration and anger are negative tools that lead to positive results. And the attitude that your body is being stubborn and it must be punished in order for it to drop fat works very well."

Don't let your body control you, let yourself control your body.
Keep that in mind, and when-ever you start getting urges. Look down at your stomach and think" stfu, your not eating those brownies, you don't control me"

Seems like everyone has said anything that needs to be said, but i'll share a quote that might get you thinking.

Don't let your body control you, let yourself control your body.
Keep that in mind, and when-ever you start getting urges. Look down at your stomach and think" stfu, your not eating those brownies, you don't control me"

I was cracking up at that :D

It took me a while to read all those posts, but wow was it worth it. I can't find one meaningless post in here. Chillen, I dunno if you realize how much time your putting into improving my life :) Seriously, All those articles you put and the support you round up ;) After all these posts, I don't see how I can give up any more. Definitely looking to make some progress soon. Thanx again for all the posts!
I was cracking up at that :D

It took me a while to read all those posts, but wow was it worth it. I can't find one meaningless post in here. Chillen, I dunno if you realize how much time your putting into improving my life :) Seriously, All those articles you put and the support you round up ;) After all these posts, I don't see how I can give up any more. Definitely looking to make some progress soon. Thanx again for all the posts!

You are welcome, AIM.

But we are not done yet.

Best regards,

Aim, In the past year I have lost about 35-40 lbs, so I feel I have some insight to what it takes.

First of all, you mentioned possibly having a distorted view of yourself (looking in the mirror and convincing yourself you don’t need to lose more weight, or even looking bigger than you are to yourself) I found the best way to combat this is to take frequent pics with the same poses and compare them. There have been times I thought I didn’t progress at all and got bummed out until I took new pics and compared them to pics from a few weeks before. When you look in the mirror, your mind can play tricks on you, but there is a little bit more of a disconnect when you see an actual picture.

Theoretically losing weight should be easy…You eat healthy foods and fewer calories, exercise and viola, you lose weight. The problem is our inherent human weakness. You have to think this through thoroughly and have a plan to combat it.

You have to think out and put your thoughts into words. Your feelings are indicating that eating pizza and kicking back on the couch makes you happy. Is this really true? Of course not, it’s a lie you’re telling yourself because that’s what is easy and that is what you’re used to. If you put it into words you realize how ridiculous it is: of course being fit, healthy and active is 1000% more rewarding than eating a greasy piece of bread, cheese, tomato sauce and processed meat.

Remind yourself of these things and most importantly, come here for support. People here are fitness minded and know your struggle. The average person has no idea about proper nutrition and fitness and may look at you like you are crazy if you try to talk to them about your calories, macros etc. That’s why this site can be so powerful. Come here often and talk to like minded people.

I used to have probably the worst diet imaginable. I ate fast food, and pizza, chips, ice cream, you name it…and I ate a lot of it. I just decided one day it was ridiculous and I was going to stop. I had always enjoyed lifting weights, then I bought some cardio equipment and I decided it was time to get serious about my food intake. I did some google searches and came to this site. I educated myself on diet and even learned a lot more about exercise.

A lot of people have cheat days and occasionally allow themselves to eat “bad” foods, but I have found that quitting that stuff cold turkey works best for me. I have been meticulous about my diet since I joined here, coming close to a year ago. A funny thing happened…my tastes have changed. The idea of eating a big greasy bacon cheeseburger physically sickens me now, I can’t imagine eating a bowl of ice cream of piece of cake…you like the foods you are used to. When you are no longer used to “bad” foods, you no longer crave them.

Keep at it, don’t give up. Even if you momentarily fail, pick yourself back up and get back on track. Look at it as a personal challenge to face your human weakness and KICK ITS ASS! Refuse to be a slave to anything. Hell, I quit coffee simply because it became a necessity for me in the morning. I thought “screw, that” nothing is going to ever have a hold on me like that ever again. That’s what happens, once you conquer what you put into your body you realize you are in control and you start to face your other demons.

I expect to see you here frequently!:D Send me a message if you want any help…and listen to Chillen, he has helped me a lot.
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