Combating tired/exhusted muscles

Hey there, new to this forum..looks like a nice place to hang out and talk..

Anyway, I have a specific question I hope I can get some advice on. I am in good shape as far as regular healthy diet and exercise, weight to height ratio..I recently started a job that is pretty physically demanding. I felt sore in a few minor spots from using muscles I really haven't I suppose in regular exercising, but that faded quickly. I feel no soreness, but after going into week 5 now I feel like my muscles are tired and exhausted everyday. My 2 day weekend only does so much. I'm sort of struggling in the week from the "tired" in the muscles.
I have tried creatine in the past for these symptoms through playing sports and weight lifting circuits but my digestive system never liked it much. Every time I took it, I was in the bathroom within the next 15 minutes and in there, well for a while. Not very desirable.
So I was wondering if there was anything (else) I could help combat this fatigue. Right now I am giving up my free time during my work days to sleep and let my body rest 10 hours, which is something I'm not use to.
Thanks all! I appreciate and advice!
Hey there, new to this forum..looks like a nice place to hang out and talk..

Anyway, I have a specific question I hope I can get some advice on. I am in good shape as far as regular healthy diet and exercise, weight to height ratio..I recently started a job that is pretty physically demanding. I felt sore in a few minor spots from using muscles I really haven't I suppose in regular exercising, but that faded quickly. I feel no soreness, but after going into week 5 now I feel like my muscles are tired and exhausted everyday. My 2 day weekend only does so much. I'm sort of struggling in the week from the "tired" in the muscles.
I have tried creatine in the past for these symptoms through playing sports and weight lifting circuits but my digestive system never liked it much. Every time I took it, I was in the bathroom within the next 15 minutes and in there, well for a while. Not very desirable.
So I was wondering if there was anything (else) I could help combat this fatigue. Right now I am giving up my free time during my work days to sleep and let my body rest 10 hours, which is something I'm not use to.
Thanks all! I appreciate and advice!

First of all how's your diet?
That's the key issue for your problem as well as how much rest you get. How much sleep do you get?
First of all how's your diet?
That's the key issue for your problem as well as how much rest you get. How much sleep do you get?

Hey vojdancov,
Id say my diet is overall decent. Ive been lowering my refined sugar intake since I realized being tired is starting to effect me. And Ive been increasing my fruits. Im eating about 4-6 servings daily of fruit alone. Weekly, I eat veggies, chicken, red meats, tuna, nuts. I eat breakfast in the morning and light intervals during the day, with a late lunch or dinner. I drink water esp late night before bed. Im usually asleep by midnight (tonight is an acception! working on a resume heh) and sleep on and off until 10:00am or sometimes later!
Im concerned about my muscles being so tired and also my joints being sore. Im 28, played sports everyday or every year from age 6 till 23. After that, kept a pretty healthy self. Arthritis is in my family at young ages, even with my dad who was also an athlete, marathon runner.
I have recently been out of work (landed this physical job 6 weeks ago) and was into junk more than I care to admit; ie soda, sweets, JUNK. But I am having a hard time thinking that it would take this long for my body to adjust. Ive always adjusted quickly to changes.
I come home and want a HOT shower to feel "right"-less sore, lessen the tired in my muscles. and I do this before work to loosen up as well.
Most of this I am referring to is happening in my legs/knees/ankles.