Hi there.I'm quite new here.However,I'll try my best to help you guys out.From my experience,colon cleansing is not necessary for individuals who have well-blanced high fibre diet.Fibre is the most important key to making sure that our colon works at its peak.Most colon cleansing suppliments have fibre in it(If you carefully read the labels)as the active ingredient.Soluble and insoluble fibre will do the job.WHOLE WEHAT and OATMEAL products will do the trick just fine.Fiberous vegetables such as brocolli,carrots,green beans(There are tons of beans out there that have the amount of fibre that you would not expect to get!),cabbage and so on is vital too.It is good to have a serving or two of natural 0% yoghurt or Greek yoghurt once in a week.This will give your "Cleaned"colon a little "Boost".The friendly bacterias will help you digestion and nutrients will be absorbed my the intestines more effeciently when your colon is clean.
"So,start getting fiberous bread and veggies and get the clean colon you've always wanted!"
-Late Night TV comercial-