Sport college...

Sport Fitness

I have been working out religiously and eating pretty meticulously for the past year. I basically shred most of my body fat and currently am 5'10'' and about 138 lbs (probably 7 - 9 % bf)- I look as if I weigh more, though.

I am a freshman at college now and I have been having weekly cheat meals. I started to feel like my cheat meals were becoming almost like binges so I decided to stop eating "clean". I still plan to make smart choices (wheat bread when possible, no butter / dressing / unnecessary fats, reduced fat / low sugar when possible), but will not shirk meals out with friends, occassional late night pizza, and deserts (pretzels, reduced fat / sugar free ice cream, occasional pie, cake, etc).

I also decided to stop lifting weight for a while and focus on running (5 miles each morning, 2 each night) and body weight exercises (pull ups, different varities of push ups, dips every other day). Given my activity level and my weight, do you think that I will be able to maintain my physique (6 pack, vascularity) to some degree without devoting as much care to my diet?

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Okay, any other opinions would be appreciated as well. Additional information: i am an ectomorph, so it's difficult for me to gain weight (although I could probably use some - even in the form of fat) and I plan to up my running mileage significantly as the year progresses.
If you have a crappy diet, you will get crappy results. Its really that cut and dry for most of us. Why do you still want to cut fat out, why not do a clean bulk? All that running with no weight lifting and crappy diet is just going to hurt what little muscle you have left. If you say you look heavier then its most because you have little muscle.

So figure out your goals exactly, post them if so desire and we can give more informed responses.
When I say I look heavier, I mean I look muscular...not particularly thin. I have very little fat and a clearly defined muscles / abs. All I want to do is maintain. That's what I am asking about. I don't necessarily want to add muscle or lose fat (I really don't have any to lose). I just want to maintain.
Moderation is key in your situation, and I think you have a good grasp on that so...there's that.

You can probably maintain your vascularity through MORE weight training and a different cardio program to help keep your bf lower.

You don't have to give up your training along with your diet.
Here is my opinion. You have to pick either side, letting your diet go down and weigh training and cardio go up or letting your cardio dand training down but eat more clean if you want to maintain.

Note: also depends on yourself and your body type.
I thought about this thread again, and you're not even eating enough, so whatever calories you get are good.

I am about your height and I am like 30 lbs heavier than you...and I'M a skinny bastard. Yet, I am still vascular and hot.

The moral of the story is, keep eating, keep lifting, and GROW.

Maintaining your weight by running 5 mi a day is ****ing ridiculous.
Okay, cool. I am running a lot (7 - 10 miles per day on running days) because I want to be prepared to do some distance races a bit later this year...half marathons and such, maybe an olympic triathlon in june if i can get my swimming / biking up to par. I figure it's okay for me to sort of eat what I want, because 1) i could probably use a bit of fat and 2) when i look at pictures of my dad during his college years when he was running marathons, he was able to maintain a very, very solid physique and he ate (literally) anything and everything he wanted. Any other opinions are still welcome. I appreciate all the feedback so far.
Okay, cool. I am running a lot (7 - 10 miles per day on running days) because I want to be prepared to do some distance races a bit later this year...half marathons and such, maybe an olympic triathlon in june if i can get my swimming / biking up to par. I figure it's okay for me to sort of eat what I want, because 1) i could probably use a bit of fat and 2) when i look at pictures of my dad during his college years when he was running marathons, he was able to maintain a very, very solid physique and he ate (literally) anything and everything he wanted. Any other opinions are still welcome. I appreciate all the feedback so far.

Your dad sounds like my friend. He can eat anything he wants. My friend eats junk food all day. He has a chocolate bar and some chips for lunch. Then like 8 tacos for dinner. Though his bf is only from 4%-8% and his abs are always showing. He is a professional powerlifter though. Actually, he is the #1 powerlifter in North America for the 14-18 diversion. Maybe some of you may have hear of him, Renan Andrade.