College workout routine, need help!

Hey everyone. I'm a 19 year old male, at 185 lbs. I would like to look for a way to burn fat (I have about 14%, which is not that bad but a bit noticeable), and gain better endurance and stamina to do more sport-intensive activities. So far, I have started this routine:

Monday: Run 1-2 miles, swim 1000-1500 yards, 30 pushups, 75 crunches, 30 second leg lifts, 30 second planks.

Tuesday: Run 1-2 miles, sport (raquetball, tennis, or basketball for 1 hour)

Wednesday: Run 1-2 miles, swim 1000-1500 yards, 30 pushups, 75 crunches, 30 second leg lifts, 30 second planks.

Thursday: Run 1-2 miles, sport

Friday: Run 1-2 miles, swim 1000-1500 yards, 30 pushups, 75 crunches, 30 second leg lifts, 30 second planks.

Saturday: Run 1-2 miles, sport

Sunday: Rest

I know I should probably incorporate some lifting involved. I am also looking into replacing a couple days a week running 1-2 miles (on the track or on a trail near my dorm) with HIIT training in the rec room at the ground floor of my dorm building. I did that last friday and I felt satisfied because I sweat heavily and my heart rate was high. Also, my workout routine thus far is improving. Last week, I ran 1 mile a day, but I feel like I can run 1.5 or close to 2 now. Everything, from running miles, swimming yards, pushups, abs, EVERYTHING will increase each week to intensify my plan.

My diet isn't totally set yet, but I have a low-cost meal plan here at the dorms to pay more attention to buying less food at the cafes and start going to the grocery store more. I try my best to incorporate fruits, veggies, and protein in my diet.

Ultimately, is this reliable? How could I change this to avoid hitting a brick wall in a few months? Thanks.
You're getting enough cardio with the swimming you're doing. I think it'd be smart to get rid of a couple of the cardio sessions and start into weight lifting. Go to and start looking at their workouts of the day.
Your routine are more of cardiovascular exercises. You can start to lift weights,this is a way to reduce fats and gain muscles. And most importantly,workouts are nothing if you can't manage your diet menu well. Avoid fatty foods and turn into less meat,more vegies and drinks.
That will help tremendously with your reaction time and change of direction. Plus it's great for the short bursts of speed you will need when playing football.