Sport College freshmen grocery list, limiting factors...

Sport Fitness
Hello, I am a college freshman living in a dorm room. My only means of cooking food is by microwaving. I also have limited fridge and freezer space. I am basically looking for healthly protein sources since my cafeteria has mostly greasy meat, I am also looking for overall healthly foods.

here is what I plan on getting so far:
nat peanut butter
whole wheat bread
instant microwave oatmeal
deli turkey slices

anything to add to this list that can be prepared cold or in the microwave and stores well?
whey protein
tuna fish
beef jerky

check out LV's grocery list for a a good idea of what foods are healthy. All of them might not apply to you because you can't cook, but it will help nonetheless. I am also a freshman in college and have the same issue. But everything that you said (except for the turky) plus everything that I said are always available in my room. Let me know if you have any questions.
non or limited cooking options

- Lowfat (or fat-free) cottage cheese
- Fat-free (or part skim - though less recommended) ricotta cheese
- Kefir (or yogurt) with higher protein content (e.g., Lifeway)
- Cereal with higher protein content (e.g., Go Lean from Kashi)
- Soy or other veggie burgers (it's not cheap, but a lot of the Morningstar stuff is pretty good on protein)

I'd also look into seeing if you're comfortable microwaving eggs (or egg whites). I haven't done it, but I know people who have.

Also, you might want to look into cooking whole wheat pasta in the microwave (which I have done). The latter can become very versatile if you're comfortable with it. You can make a "ziti" in the microwave, by mixing a little bit of pasta, fat-free ricotta cheese, tomato sauce and a lower fat cheese (like mozzarella). Portion size is everything to maximize the protein you get out of this.

I guess to me the key to getting more protein - no matter how limited your cooking options - is finding ways to make sure that a lot of your carbs are coming with plenty of protein along too.

Oh, and when I was in college, I had a hot plate too. That also helped. Hehe. (Yes, I know it's against most dorm policies. I just didn't leave it out in the open or unattended when in use, and I knew it wouldn't blow the circuit.)