Cold Sores

Anybody have any tips for coldsores? I've tried all the crap from the pharmacy such as Zovirax and other creams which the main ingredient is Aciclovir, and to be honest, in my opinion they are just a big hoax.

I have resorted to ordering crap off the internet now as they annoy me so much. My girlfriend is coming back from an 18 night holiday tomorrow, and last night at 10pm i got a cold sore out of the blue.

Basically is there anything to clear this up in a few days, as the stuff you buy in the shops surely must just be a scam, as it does not speed up recovery atall for me.

The stuff i ordered just now off the net is called "ViraSoothe" from Newzealand. Lets hope it works a bit better than the crap that is peddled by the rip off merchant pharmacys in the UK!
Hi Dan.
I was going to recommend Acyclovir which is specifically designed for Herpes Simplex (cold sores) but if it isn't working for you you might want to try taking the amino acid L-lysine.
Thing about cold sores is that you want to catch them before they surface. When you start to feel that first distinguishing "tingle" pump yourself full of L-lysine, put ice on the part where you feel the cold sore coming and even try to put the acyclovir before it surfaces.
Also avoid extreme cold, excess sun and stress as these all bring the cold sores on...
Yep stress is always said to be one of the main things. But lets face it, in todays world, doing a full time degree and demanding full time job, ultimately leads to stress :(

I will try what you said, but i usually do not even feel a thing until the tiny tiny bumps start to appear. Its annoying me so much. You would think that people would be working to make some form of vaccine. They could charge thousands of pounds and me, aswell as many many others would pay it right away even if it was a 50/50 chance of working as a perminent vaccination.

But as far as i know, nobody believes it can be done, i just say they aren't trying hard enough! lol. But whoever could do it would make soooo much money.

Same with Hayfever though, if they were actually working on new medicines instead of giving up on it, then they could make billions in the UK alone if they could find a medication that would work.

When you get cold sores you feel depressed, and just generally like crap. You feel crap AND look like crap at the same time. Which puts you off working out because you feel ill lol. A vicious cycle :(

I'm 19 now and i am SICK of them. I can't see me putting up with them for the rest of my life. But as said they just aren't bothering to develop new medication any more, they just seem to think because it is a virus it can not be cured.
Cures and vaccines are not as easy to develop as you might think. Otherwise don't you think there would be a vaccine for HIV? It took years for researchers to finally come up with an HPV vaccine for cervical cancer. Viruses are extremely intelligent. They are constantly changing and evolving making it sometimes impossible to come up with a vaccine.
Also speaking of Herpes vaccines. Since you already have the virus you are pretty much screwed. No vaccine will help you now. Vaccines are saved for people who are not exposed to the virus. And Hayfever is an allergy. You do not cure allergies. You can only control the bodies response to the allergen.
Try taking the L-lysine everyday and see if it helps. I have been taking it for years and seldom ever get cold sores any more. Another thing is if your Herpes are surfacing so frequently could be a tell-tale sign that your immune system is hurting. Try to stay on top of your other vitamins and nutrients and that will build your immune system up so when faced with stress your body doesn't freak out.
Sorry to hear about your troubles. Are you using the creams, or the oral medication? I have found that oral Valtrex works best, that's the number one choice for our patients. You have to take it as soon as you feel that tingle in order for it to work. If you wait until after the sore appears, you're "SOL" but it will still heal up faster than if you hadn't taken it at all. If you're getting them frequently, you might want to take Valtrex or acyclovir daily to prevent them. Good luck!
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