Sport Coffee & my Diet

Sport Fitness
Hi I am on a diet now and doing fine, however I love my coffee and drink about 5 cups a day, and my big problem is the sugur, I cannot drink it without, but I use Equal artificial sweetner, is this ok, what should I do.

Just wanted to add that 5 cups per day is A LOT of caffeine and it is most likely taking the place of water. The Equal is not the best thing in the world for you. It is basically chemicals.

I recommend drinking less coffee, learning to love black coffee, or at the very least drink a glass of water with each cup of joe. Caffeine robs the bones of calcium and is very acidic (especially at 5 cups per day).

Having 1-2 (8) ounce mugs/day is fine. 5 is a bit much in my opinion :D
i agree, try weening yourself off so much coffee. its fine in moderation..but 5 cups a day isn't moderation.

try drinking a cup, then have 8oz of water, then a second cup...again followed by water.

I suspect half the reason you drink so much is the habit of sipping on something.

I'm also not a fan of Equal. I use regular sugar in my coffee...4 cubes in fact (its a tall mug), and low fat half/half. a tablespoon of fatty cream isn't gonna wreck your diet...and I'm inclined to feel that natural products in moderation (like sugar, olive oil, etc) are better than going overboard with man-made alternatives (like Equal, trans-fats, high fructose corn name a few)
How about switching a couple of your cups of coffee for green tea? It has caffeine, but not as much, and it has antiozidants.
For a sweetener, have you ever tried Stevia? It's an all natural, plant based sweetener. Tastes good in coffee.
