Sport coffee break

Sport Fitness
Hi there,

I started working in France since last year and in here, coffee break is an institution.
You come at 8-9 am and you say hi to every body and between 9 and 9:30 you go take a coffee or hot chocolate at the machine with everybody.
The ritual occurs again at 10 am and then right after lunch.
Before the end of the day one more comes at around 4pm.

So here is my question: should I avoid taking 4 expresso a day ?
I figure, how can it be so harmful anyway ? I drink it with no sugar.
what does cafein do to your body when you try to eat healthy to lose a little fat. Does it lower your metabolism so that you burn less ?
(by the way I am 5'10 for 145lbs)
Thanks for the info. this site is really cool and informative
Caffeine has some good points and some bad points. Caffeine is a great antioxidant, yet it also dehydrates you, etc

You can always drink something else. I, however, would love to work at a place where we took a coffee break every hour.:)
evolution said:
Caffeine has some good points and some bad points. Caffeine is a great antioxidant, yet it also dehydrates you, etc

You can always drink something else. I, however, would love to work at a place where we took a coffee break every hour.:)

lol, you should come in France, you'd have that and 8 weeks of vacation for all the hard work you do all year long :p
So that's the problem with France, you guys are always on break. No wonder all those kids protested a company being able to fire them.

Hell maybe you can use the breaks to pound out some push ups instead of pounding down coffee and croissants.
ahaha, well that's what I do sometimes... I just get in a meeting room and make some push-ups...
Throughout the day I can add up to 300 push-ups :p ...
Skull Pilot said:
Hell maybe you can use the breaks to pound out some push ups instead of pounding down coffee and croissants.

hahahhaha yea make them do 50 push ups every break. By the end of the day they'll have done about 500 push ups
its ESPRESSO...there is no X, unless you're talking about that little compact car, which is called the Xpresso or some crap.

drink plenty of extra water. 4cups of espresso seems a little on the high side. might try to cut it to 3 cups/shots.