Clinically depressed, out of shape and lack drive. Where do I start?

I tried to give a pretty strong summary with my title. I am looking for advice on how to go about recovering my health and perhaps some encouragement from someone that has been through similar struggles.

I'm not exactly new to eating right or working out. About 3 years ago I was on a consistent workout/diet plan where I ate quite healthily, ran 3-5 miles 6 days a week and lifted 3-4 times a week (7 times in a two week period). In highschool I was a pretty strong guy and took weight lifting seriously. I am now 26, I struggle with clinical depression and even though I'm medicated I still have heavy mental road blocks. For the past 3 years I've lived a very sedentary lifestyle and would be absolutely mortified to admit the amount of times per week (or day, sometimes) I ate fast food.

I have reeled in my diet for the past couple of weeks, completely cutting out processed foods, pop, candy, etc. I have dropped a few pounds and am happy and confident in my diet but I'm at a loss on how and where to begin my workout regimen. I really need solid advice on ways I can wean myself into it.

Although my cholesterol, blood sugar, blood pressure and whatever else my doctor checked me for was where it should be my abysmal level of fitness is nothing short of frightening. I weigh a bit under 250. At 6' that's well into the obese range. I have started to try to do little by little but become physically exhausted with very little activity. I wouldn't have even considered my current 'workouts' to be a warm up just a few years ago. This isn't an overstatement or an exaggeration. 3 years ago (at about 215lbs-with a pleasantly plump, but also fairly muscular physique) I could do 3 sets of 75 pushups. I failed on my 3rd set of 12 today. By the time I was done I was so tired (and emotionally drained) from the exertion that I did one set of military presses, one set of tricep pushdowns and threw in the towel.

I never remember being tired like this. I've always been heavy set, and I understand I'm not in high school anymore. However I never imagined I could struggle like this. Has anyone had to climb these obstacles before? If I just keep chipping away will I just 'naturally' be able to increase my work load? Another fear of mine, with the terrifying struggles I'm having with fitness is that there is an underlying health problem that my doctor has not identified. Am I right to believe it is likely just poor fitness?

God bless you if you took the time to read all of this. It truly means a lot and I would be extremely grateful for any advice or insight you can give me.

Slowly chip away and start small. Try to build up to say 30 straight push-ups in one go by starting with 3 or 4. If you want exacts, an app called has Push-up goals that start small and build.

If you try to go back to your old regime or start big, you will disappoint yourself and never properly make the change to a healthier lifestyle. It's a mix of dedication, determination, willpower and willingness. If you set high goals and fail then all of that will drain.

Also be happy with the small achievements. Finally did 25 straight push-ups? Reward yourself with a quick jog or walk and some infused water.

Rewarding yourself with fun exercise will make exercise fun, and get you back in shape. Best of luck and if you need more advice then just ask :)
Start afresh and take small steps. Before that, go on a vacation to break the sedentary lifestyle you are talking about. Once you come back, you will find a drastic change in your perspective. Have faith, pray and seek happiness for yourself. Everything will be just fine.