Weight-Loss Clif Bars



New member
Has anyone ever tried Clif bars as a meal replacement? I have access to the regular ones, as well as the Builder's ones. Any thoughts/experiences? TIA
I think they are too high in calories, not filling enough, and the carbs are too high also. Try buying a box of South Beach or Adkins bars. I live on all of those when I cant have a meal and lose weight nicely. Most meal replacement bars are bad. They have more crap in them than if you ate a sensible meal. Most protein bars are great though and better than most meal replacement bars. Just read the label. Watch for high calories in small portions. Also, keep the carbs to a low (Diatary fiber and Sugar alcohol can be minused from the carb count which lowers it from the number it shows you) and keep the protein at 10 grams or more. Plus, if the fiber is at least 4 grams and up, it will keep you feeling longer. Just because it says its good for you, doesnt mean it is.
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I usually eat the Zone Dark protein bars for breakfast, but then I have a banana a couple hours later. Those bars are so good its almost the favorite food of the day.
I think Cliff bars are generally designed for athletes or people working out who need to keep their carbs up
Maybe as a snack before the gym, not a meal replacement.