
It sounded familiar...sounded like gear. Did a Google search...yep, it's gear:

a 24 hour a day fat burning steroid. I'd stick to the old fashioned way.
im not gonna lie, ive been using this for 2 months now. about 150 mcg a day. and it works amazing ill post some b4 and after pictures.... kinda expensive. but works great. and no its not a steroid.
2 months? Yikes. Say good bye to much of your valuable muscle tissue, and your organ linings. This stuff works great, but it is extremely dangerous without proper dosage / monitoring.
ryanmcell said:
im not gonna lie, ive been using this for 2 months now. about 150 mcg a day. and it works amazing ill post some b4 and after pictures.... kinda expensive. but works great. and no its not a steroid.

Interesting. Everything I found indicated it was a controlled steroid. Can you tell us where you found it legally and over-the-counter?
^^^ i looked and this is what i read for the last sentance:

"Typically if using clenbuterol the dose would be about 100 mcg per day. It is not anabolic "

does that mean its not an anabolic steroid? cuz thats what i got out of the reading? confued. ive long since ran out and havent replenished it, but it did work great while i had it.