Cleansing Your body

Like most of us out there Ive tried to lose weight with multiple diets, I did loose weight. The problem was I just kept gaining the weight back a couple months later. Until I heard about cleansing from Jack Canfield's "Chicken Soup for the healthy Soul" and John Gray author of "Men are from Venus , Women Are from Mars" and the amazing results they had from cleansing.

One of the ways the liver deals with impurities is to increase body fat to enfold these impurities and to protect the body from their influence. Regular cleansing is essential to liberate you from the impurities and waste that bog your body down and keep you from staying healthy and fit. Elimination of waste helps you melt away excess pounds. Cleansing restores your body’s ability to absorb nutrients and allows your natural metabolism to work efficiently to burn fat and give you energy. Thats why most diets are not successfull for long term wieght loss because they dont address the need to cleanse the body of impurities, toxin, and chemicals.

I was extremly skeptical at first, But after I did my research on cleansing and knowing that Jack Canfield and John Gray promote this for free because of there amazing results. I decided to give it a try at the begining of Nov 2005.
WOW! was I amazed! I lost 13lbs on the 9day cleanse. After completing the cleanse most of my cravings for caffine, sugar, and carbs were pretty much gone!. Since then Ive easily maintained a healthy lifesyle and have lost an additional 17lbs and my energy is like never before
Cleansing has truly changed my life, I Hope this info can help you change your life

If anyone wants some info on the cleanse hit me back

Happy New Year And Weight Loss
How much did they pay you to write this shane? or did you invent this diet?
I believe we're talking about fasting here. It's not a "diet." Obviously, it's not a way to lose weight - you'd probably starve. But asking if ShaneInCalgary is "getting paid to promote this" is like asking if you guys are getting paid to promote exercise and clean diets. It's not a product. I think that most people who "cleanse" just drink very, very fresh juices for a day or more-ish.
Hey guys, The cleanse Im talking about is not a fast. It replaces 27 out 29 meals with high quality Aloe Vera and organic herbal teas nourish your body and enhance elimination of waste and promote optimum absorption. Balanced nutrients replenish your body with energy and fuel your natural fat-burning furnace, without stimulants or drugs. Natural phytonutrients, vitamins, minerals, and trace minerals revitalize genuine health and wellness.

I have heard of people having great results with juice and water for 9 days. I opted for this because I didnt want to loose muscle.

Im sure there are hundreds of cleanse on the market. Im not here to promote or sell this stuff. Im simply sharing my experience of this one

If anyone wants futher information on this cleanse send me a private email
I had to reply

Okay I have to put forth some effort here. Because a few days ago I found myself at GNC looking at some "cleansing " products. The tech. term for cleanse is this -to make clean,pure,etc. Yes they sell stuff for cleansing at GNC. The guy that worked there said that alot of people use it to get a clean UA. I told him that , I would not be using it for that reason. I also looked at the CLeansing of the colon, intestine, etc. Alot of Famous people do it. Some are addicted (grose!). Anyways ,yes I think that it would be a combo of completely cleaning ones self from the impurities that infest our foods these days and basicly starting over. Maybe starving , whatever it takes to cleanse ones, ok, so I am not a doctor and yes I find myself looking at some crazed things online, oh well ,I know something I didnt know yesterday! Have a great day!
Alastor said:
"I opted for this because I didnt want to loose muscle."

Those must be some high-calorie/high-protein teas...

Lol, i know right... Losing 13 pounds in 9 days or whatever HAS to take away some muscle...
If some people say "uhhh" to these things they have got to witness what the traditional Indian yogis follow to clean their body of impurities.

believe me it can cure a host of common ailmemts improve your immune sytem and prevent any kind of problems you might face in the future.

there are methods to clean the respiratory system, digestive track, liver, blood, colon etc. mind you every part of your body can be cleansed

its more like maintainence of a machinery to help it perform optimally and improve its life
I agree with the premise, "its more like maintainence of a machinery to help it perform optimally and improve its life," but the other things you're claiming are completely ridiculous.

"prevent any kind of problems you might face in the future." HIV, anyone?

Benny, I HOPE you're not buying into this crap so unequivocally.
i cant make you believe in things..........beleive it or not

they taught me in my Yoga class how to clean your respiratory sys by using water the process called 'jalneethi'
however i didnt have the opportunity to try it out though
it was performed more as a spiritual side to yoga and the benefits that accrue through this practice is secondary

for gods sake 'Lee'; i am not talking about HIV and cancer
i mentioned common ailments like colds or bronchittis, asthama or any other related to the part you are cleansing

I was planning to get clean my colons but was afraid of this because I thought that it will be harmful to my body and really after reading the post you wrote I think that I was living in the myths. Now I am ready to get it done.
Colon cleansing is usually prescribed as preparation for colonoscopy (screening for colon cancer and precancerous colon polyps). It is usually considered to be unpleasant.
a few of these posters are clearly spam bots/advertising agents