Like most of us out there Ive tried to lose weight with multiple diets, I did loose weight. The problem was I just kept gaining the weight back a couple months later. Until I heard about cleansing from Jack Canfield's "Chicken Soup for the healthy Soul" and John Gray author of "Men are from Venus , Women Are from Mars" and the amazing results they had from cleansing.
One of the ways the liver deals with impurities is to increase body fat to enfold these impurities and to protect the body from their influence. Regular cleansing is essential to liberate you from the impurities and waste that bog your body down and keep you from staying healthy and fit. Elimination of waste helps you melt away excess pounds. Cleansing restores your body’s ability to absorb nutrients and allows your natural metabolism to work efficiently to burn fat and give you energy. Thats why most diets are not successfull for long term wieght loss because they dont address the need to cleanse the body of impurities, toxin, and chemicals.
I was extremly skeptical at first, But after I did my research on cleansing and knowing that Jack Canfield and John Gray promote this for free because of there amazing results. I decided to give it a try at the begining of Nov 2005.
WOW! was I amazed! I lost 13lbs on the 9day cleanse. After completing the cleanse most of my cravings for caffine, sugar, and carbs were pretty much gone!. Since then Ive easily maintained a healthy lifesyle and have lost an additional 17lbs and my energy is like never before
Cleansing has truly changed my life, I Hope this info can help you change your life
If anyone wants some info on the cleanse hit me back
Happy New Year And Weight Loss
Like most of us out there Ive tried to lose weight with multiple diets, I did loose weight. The problem was I just kept gaining the weight back a couple months later. Until I heard about cleansing from Jack Canfield's "Chicken Soup for the healthy Soul" and John Gray author of "Men are from Venus , Women Are from Mars" and the amazing results they had from cleansing.
One of the ways the liver deals with impurities is to increase body fat to enfold these impurities and to protect the body from their influence. Regular cleansing is essential to liberate you from the impurities and waste that bog your body down and keep you from staying healthy and fit. Elimination of waste helps you melt away excess pounds. Cleansing restores your body’s ability to absorb nutrients and allows your natural metabolism to work efficiently to burn fat and give you energy. Thats why most diets are not successfull for long term wieght loss because they dont address the need to cleanse the body of impurities, toxin, and chemicals.
I was extremly skeptical at first, But after I did my research on cleansing and knowing that Jack Canfield and John Gray promote this for free because of there amazing results. I decided to give it a try at the begining of Nov 2005.
WOW! was I amazed! I lost 13lbs on the 9day cleanse. After completing the cleanse most of my cravings for caffine, sugar, and carbs were pretty much gone!. Since then Ive easily maintained a healthy lifesyle and have lost an additional 17lbs and my energy is like never before
Cleansing has truly changed my life, I Hope this info can help you change your life
If anyone wants some info on the cleanse hit me back
Happy New Year And Weight Loss