Cleaning Out Toxins For A Boost?


New member
Hi all,

I just joined. :)

I'm already reading lots. I have a question though.

I'm 27, and at 206. Started at 210.

I've been fiddling with the idea of weight loss for months, but just recently started a new program. It requires about 5 days a week of exercise, mixing strength training and cardio, pilates, etc.

I also re-arranged my diet. I'm putting in more protein, less carbs. I've never liked soda and I've been using wheat bread for a long time. Certainly cut out most chocolate. (I keep some dark chocolate around. I allow myself to eat a portioned piece when I 'need' chocolate. Like they say, if you don't give in on occasion, you'll engorge, right?)

So I've been doing this for 3 weeks or so, and I haven't noticed a 'size' loss? Also, I've only lost 4 pounds, I was sort of expecting a bigger boost in the beginning. Okay, I'm greedy. I'd like to lose that 10 pounds in a week at the very beginning from the water weight loss. It didn't happen with me.

I have heard about the colon cleansing programs that you can do at home. I'm very tempted to try them. I thought it might give me that beginning boost and get rid of a lot of excess water waste and help flush things. It is actually supposed to be part of my program, but I'm wanted to ask about it.

Does this help at all? If you've had experience with it, would you mind sharing? I hear if you don't do this, it could really slow the weight loss down, especially if you've got a lot of toxic build up.

Any recommendations?
this question gets asked frequently and if you're working with a healthy diet that doesn't include much in the way of processed foods - getting enough fiber in your diet (it's not hard to do that) and drinking enough water -your body is self cleaning - you don't need to "cleanse toxins" your body does that all by itself.
OMG I meant to start a thread about this. I aske my GI Dr. about it at my appt. Tuesday. He said it is a big no no. (and then gave me a prescription for one but it was for a procedure) He said there is no long term weight loss benefit but that it would disrupt your body's electrolyte balance, causing dehydration and salt depletion.
More so... you actually can flush out helpful bacteria that lives inside your stomach and intestines that add in the breaking down of foods and other dangerous bacteria that your body doesn't normally fight off.

IF this is for a procedure, than I get why it is neccessary, usually procedures come with a script for antibiotics depending on whether the doctor knows their shit (no pun intended... maybe). Probiotics are also generally used to suppliment the cleansing procedure (designer yogurts really, helps with replenishing those bacteria destroyed).
If you lose weight for colon cleaning, what is the point? It's like water weight. It's not like its going to affect the way your body looks. I really don't buy into the whole toxin buildups. From my experience, you eat better, you feel better. I haven't had a problem with having to get rid of toxins and I was unhealthy as they come a few months ago.
Yeah, this is why I asked. It sounds nice, like getting rid of toxins I am sure is a good thing and all, though I always figured if you didn't keep doing it, it'd build up again anyway? And what about all the people that don't do it... that sort of thing.

Yeah, aren't these weight loss guides and books all confusing when they give you things like colon cleansing to do? :ack2:
Yeah, aren't these weight loss guides and books all confusing when they give you things like colon cleansing to do?
it's people making a buck off the desperation of others...

Common sense and consistency will keep the money in your wallet...
Getting back to the title of this thread - Cleaning Out Toxins For A Boost? - I'll have to admit my thinking has changed a bit on the subject from some of the stuff I've been reading lately.

That aside, think a moment. There's only two types of toxins that can be your body. They are either fat soluble or water soluble.

The water soluble ones you can get rid of by means such as steam bathes, saunas, aerobic exercise, etc.

That's assuming you have a toxic load, of course.

But the fat soluble toxins - PCBs, pesticides, lead, are stored away in the fatty tissues - sort of like how Norton puts viruses safely away in quarantine on your computer.

So the question is, what happens when a person starts to lose weight - more correctly, loses fat?

All these toxins are suddenly dumped into the bloodstream. (Again assuming there are toxins - and I've changed my thinking to believe some people do have a large quantity stored away).

Unless a person has a strategy to safely eliminate these chemicals from the bloodstream and body, I see a possibility to do a great deal of harm to organs such as the liver.

That might go a long way to explain why some people feel so crappy when doing a so called "detox".
Ive have them done

Hi everyone,

As a person who gets this procedure almost weekly, I'll tell you about my experiences.

On the positive side, you do get rid of years of old fecal matter lying within your colon. Once you have the procedure done, you feel lighter and its a good boost for your mind. Also, its like a fresh start. After your treatments are done, you have to maintain a good diet or all the colonics you get would be pointless. If you dont maintain a high fiber healthy diet, the colon will slowly go back to the way it was. Personally, I feel great after the cleansing. I've noticed through pictures taken before and after the procedure that the bulge at the top part of my stomach went down. Also that my stomach is much flatter than before my first colonic.
Colonics also help you stay regular. Your bowel movements will return to a healthy 2-3 times a day and staythat way with a good diet. I was only going 1 time every 2 days or so.

On the negative side, It is very uncomfortable. Nothing like having a stranger stick a plunger in your anus and keep it there for 45 minutes. Then on top of that, having them fill you up with warm water over and over again throughout that 45 minutes. Also, for the 45 minutes your on the table, you feel like you are about to have an accident.

Hope this helps. please dont flame lol
if they work why are you having this procedure done weekly?

And why not just make sure you get enough fiber and liquid in your diet?
I want to make sure I try every possible option. I posted my own thread a little earlier explaining my situation and whats happening to me.

I want to be possitive that I'm doing everything right. I have had 4 sessions done already and 2 more to come. After those two I will stop the sessions and continue on my diet.

It works because I was going 1 time every 2 days on the same diet. Now i go 2-3 times daily, which is what my doctor, trainer tell is normal. I consider that working. If it back fires on me, and I stop being "regular" then I know its a scam but for now its working...for me.