Chrystyna's Diary

I finally did it. I went and signed up for a personal trainer today. I don't know why I have been dreading it for so long, it really wasn't as bad as I had feared.

I was suprised. I wasn't nearly as bad as I was fearing. While I am not even close to being normal- I'm not extremely unhealthy either. He took my blood pressure - 126/180 while 120/180 is normal. My body fat is like 27% - while I am shooting for 15-20%.

Starting today, I am going to crack down and finally lose these last pounds.

My goals:

* As of right now, I weigh 224 lbs. and although I have lost a considerable amount (about 36 pounds) I still have a long ways to go before I get to 160. ... I know it sounds like a lot, but I am almost 6' tall.
* Get to a size 6 dress size. Since January, I have gone down 3 actual dress sizes, I still have 4 to go.
* Gain more muscle mass. I would like to be able to lift more weight -at this point in time, I'm not even really sure what I should aim my goal at, but I will find that out tomorrow.
*Eat better. And not just on a 'diet,' but change my eating habits for life. Eat less red meat and more white. No more large consumptions of candy and fat. Although not very possible, I would like to not drink anymore pop-- ever. Not even diet. Although it has no calories, it really does depleat your water that you need, stains your teeth, and is harmful for calcium and bones. I know that it is going to be really hard to drink nothing but water and juice (real juice too, not that sugar-filled crap) but I think it will be the most important the first six weeks, just while I get adjusted.
*Gain more energy for daily activities. I know it is just one of the perks of getting into better shape, but it is really important to not be so tired all of the time.
*Be in overall good health and shape.

I think I have come a long way since January. I have lost 36 pounds and 3 dress sizes, but I would still like to lose 64 more. Because my boyfriend is coming back home in 6 weeks, that of course, is going to be my prime goal. Although I know it isn't possible or healthy to lose that much weight in such a short period, but I can definately get as close as I can. I really think the personal trainer is going to help a lot because not only will I have someone to push me, knowing that I spent that much money to become healthy will be an added boost.

Well, I think I will relax a little and prepare for tomorrow. I guess we will see how it goes. :)
Go for it! You have nothing to lose except weight. It will take longer than 6 weeks but it will be worth it in the end! You will have to put the effort in to see results but eventually and ultimately you will! Good Luck
Awww, thank you so much Ruby, that really means a lot. :)

I went to the appointment today for my personal trainer and it really wasn't what I was expecting. For the first 35 minutes, I just went on an Eliptical (I think I pushed myself too hard there, but I did burn a good 500 calories). After the 'warm-up,' we went into the weight room just to do some tests to see where I was at. It was so sad, I could barely do anything he was showing me, except for the sit-ups. I really felt the burn afterwards at work though, especially my upper-arms and chest area. Oh my gosh...

I was proud today though. All I've eaten as of yet has been 2 pieces of toast, crystal light orange juice, pineapple, a salad from McDonalds, and a little bit of granola. But I think I'm on my way to go get Subway.

We'll see how it goes tomorrow and how sore I am.
Okay Chrystyna - I found your "story" :)!!

You sound like you're off to a great start, I'm proud of you! Keep writing!
Aww, thank you so much. :)

Well, let's see. Today, I was still pretty sore from my personal training thing, not nearly as bad of course, but still a little stiff.

I had to work for like 8 hours, so I really haven't had time to get any exercise in. Granted, I am on my feet all day, but I think movement would be better. I have every intention of going to the gym tonight. I don't want to get lazy.

I'm proud though, staying strong. All I've had today is toast, a 6in turkey breat from subway, and pineapple. I'm not sure what I'm going to have for dinner, but I'll be good, I have to. I'm paying too much money not to get healty. ;)
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well on the way ... good to hear. Keep up the good work. Do you have anything with your toast ... peanut butter is really good for you if you use the all natural stuff like Adams - not Skippy - check the label, if it says anything other than peanuts, it's not all natural.

Good luck!
Congrats on your weight loss! Way to go! It is so awesome that you have lost that much weight. I am 5'1' and I weigh about 160 pounds. Do you have any tips for a newcomer, like myself, on how to loose the extra weight? I want to loose about 50 pounds.
Thank you AllCdnBoy and kwtr. :) I will definately have to try that peanut butter thing, that sounds really good. I know I can go to a local health food store and pick some up. Nuts are really good for protein too, aren't they?

You want to lose about 50 pounds? Well, I think you're off to a good start, setting your goal and are willing to make the change, it's often the hardest part. I really don't think that there is one thing or one diet for that matter, that works for everyone. You are the only one that knows your lifestyle, how much you consume, and how much exercise you get. The biggest thing for me was to realize that the whole 'diet' thing isn't just a temporary week to month long agony, it truly is a life commitment. I realize that my diet before just wasn't healthy and I can never go back to that, even after I get to my goal. It's hard, especially when you first start, or you splurge a little. It's really really hard to resist your patterns and cravings.

Like right now, oh my gosh, there are oreo's sitting on my counter, it took every ounce of my willpower to not have any. As good as they sound right now, I know that they aren't going to make me happy for longer than 12 seconds and then I'll feel really guilty later. So instead, I had pineapple... personally, not quite as good, but I do feel better now. :)

It's just cutting and changing all the little things in your life that really add up. I don't drink pop at all anymore, I park farther away when I go shopping or to work, I don't snack as much, or if I do, I have something healthy. There are a lot of options out there now that don't require chocolate or sugar. I found out that I absolutely LOVE this granola stuff that I can buy in bulk for like $1.00 a pound, it is the greatest thing ever. It's really just what you want to do and how willing you are to do it.

Anyway, I'm really probably not one to preach on healthy lifestyles.

But! I did go to my personal training thing this morning. It wasn't as hard/bad as I was fearing yet again. We worked on legs today and he was suprised how strong my lower body is. (It's because any activity I do is always walking, I just have NO upper body strength whatsoever.) I'm not as sore as I feared either.

But I did the whole toast thing this morning with the crystal light, subway for lunch, and I had a McDonald's salad for dinner, with wheat thins and pineapple for mid-snacks. I should have gone to the gym after work again, but it was just too long of a day, I wanted to kick back and relax. I promised I would go early tomorrow before work.

That reminds me, I have to go take my vitamins!
way to go Chrystyna,

you're on the right track...keep it up:)