What is the book of Paul?
I am not a communist, but can't say what is inherently evil about it.
In real life instances (the rich young ruler) Jesus told people to give all their possessions away, while the story of the talents is a parable. It doesn't matter really, because again, my only thought is that materialism is a rampant evil that is overlooked by a capitalist society. We admire those with, and look down on the withouts. Talk of "keeping up with the Jones" and "who dies with the most toys wins" etc.
Communism, on paper, is a good system, but thats the end of it. It does enable laziness for sure. And it jsut doesn't work.
I have never owned anything material that has ever given me anything other than fleeting moments of happiness. Maybe during the Christmas season we should all just take a deep breath, and realize ever ugly sweater you get will rot just as fast as every really nice pair of pants you get will.