So how is everybody going to be spending Christmas?
I have to work for a few hours on Christmas Day but I have Christmas Eve and Boxing Day off so I'm happy! Christmas for me will be staying home with the immediate family watching TV in front of the fire.
Same as every year :
Saturday before, go to my sister's house of a soup dinner & open presents.
Christmas Day, open gifts at home with the parents & cook until it's time for the Christmas dinner at my uncle's house for all the family on my mom's side.
Lol ok here it goes stay up all hours of the night X mas eve waiting
for the lil anxious kiddies to go to sleep then load presents under the
tree and fill the stockings.Then they wake us up about 6-7 am!
We open presents then clean up eat breakfast put a few things together
then we get ready to go to grandma's#1 stay there a few hours then go
to grandma's #2 stay there a few hours then finish the night with an
relax card game at my aunts lol not enough hours in the day,that day.
Meanwhile of cours food and dinners deserts are made at everyhouse
excpet mine lol! Tammy
I AM DRINKING THIS YEAR......................
I wish I could say I will be drinking this year but I wont be... cant very well be drunk at work! (Or drive!) Christmas Day we lay in, then all have our roast at lunchtime. After lunch we get subjected to the Queen's Speech then mid-afternoon we all sit down and open the presents. This is usually followed by some boring, very long film during which the only people who want to see it anyway (the elderly among us!) fall asleep and snore throughout. Evening time we have just a few sandwiches and crisps, and watch all the soaps and whatever other festive shows are on before heading home/to bed.
Boxing Day is quite similar... lay in, big meal at lunch (usually salad, chips, rice etc) then relaxing in front of the fire with the TV on for the rest of the day.
I'll be with my family, so there will definitely be drinking. *grin* Nothing crazy planned, just spending the holiday with various friends and family, opening gifts, eating, annoying each other, etc.