Christmas gifts to get your gf (non fitness related)

Basically I have to buy a gift for my gf for christmas, and she's already got mine. Having being out shopping with her for her best friends present I have come to realise that I am screwed. So where better to turn that to you guys.

So I have a reasonably low typical teenage budget. So any suggestions?
And I'm not buying media related things like some joker at school suggested. lol.

Well, you could always play the religion card.

Tell her, that as a Muslim, you do not wish to participate in a Christian holiday. What can she do, get mad that you are devoted to your religion? That would make her look like a total blanketyblank. :cool:
I have gone with the nice flowers (from the florist not the supermarket!) A nice dinner at a nice place (not mc DOnalds!) and a really nice card.

It usually goes down quite nicely.
Guys, I'm 15. I have a budget :(
lol. I like the lingerie idea. But I'm not sure she'd appreciate that.

See, this is actually physically impossible.
Well, what does she like?

It matters less how much you spend and more how much you show you care. If you can find something that means something special to her, it will be better than anything expensive or fancy. Only you can figure that out since you know her. When I was 16, and had a boyfriend, he got me a nice Chinese style scroll painting to hang in my room since he knew I cared about my room so much. It even matched the dark red color that I had painted one of my walls. He also wrote a heartfelt letter in the card and signed it with "Love, then his name" (Very Sweet). So, it was noting really all that special, but it was the fact that he though of something that I would like that really mattered. See what I mean?

Yeah, I don't think the lingerie idea is a great one, unless you know she would be okay with it. It's probably a good idea not to risk it. Most importantly, the gift should come from your heart. She probably knows you are on a tight budget and therefore doesn't expect something super expensive. Just show her you care and you'll be okay.
just bought my gf a labrador puppy for christmas and its already wreaked the house lol so next year i will be a muslim:rolleyes:
If you go for underwear, for god's sake, get the size right. Get one of her friends to help you if you're unsure. Also, size sometimes varies, so you might know her size, but still buy something that doesn't fit :p

You could go for some cheap jewlery, but that's kinda cliche (sp?) :p

I'd try to find some kind of inside thing, that might not be worth much, but will say something about you two. Something like that only you could know about.
It matters less how much you spend and more how much you show you care.

LMAO, you've obviously never met my other half :yelrotflmao:

Woodt - Am I right to assume you and her haven't been 'intimate' together yet and that's why she wouldn't appreciate the lingerie?
And if not, do you want this gift to get you closer to getting past that barrier and having a very merry Christmas? :biggrinsanta:
I just had a thought; have you ever watched Breakfast At Tiffany's?

A good tip from that film is that any old piece of crap can become a meaningful present if you get it engraved with something girly and sentimental
I just had a thought; have you ever watched Breakfast At Tiffany's?

A good tip from that film is that any old piece of crap can become a meaningful present if you get it engraved with something girly and sentimental

ok so i can brand the puppy???
Woodt - Am I right to assume you and her haven't been 'intimate' together yet and that's why she wouldn't appreciate the lingerie?
And if not, do you want this gift to get you closer to getting past that barrier and having a very merry Christmas? :biggrinsanta:

haha, i wouldnt worry about the intimacy issues. Enough said.
haha. merry christmas fun.
Gift Certificates for full body massages courtesy you.

My dad just turned 50 and I wanted to get him something special...nothing thoughtless like a shirt or something, so I got him a kayak cave tour for two (mom)...anyway I'm not trying to brag about how cool a gift it was (it was :)), I'm just saying maybe an event or activity would be a good idea. Doesn't have to be material objects, especially if you're on a limited budget.