When choosing a primary care physician (as an adult), do any of the following matter to you?
* Same gender
* Age about the same as you or slightly older [1]
* Similar genetic background [2]
* Similar habits that affect health (eating, exercise, sports, etc.)
Basically, characteristics which make it more likely that the primary care physician has personally experienced or is aware of (due to personal interest) medical problems that are likely to affect you. For example, if you come into the office with a sports injury, a primary care physician who plays the same sports you do may be more likely to be familiar with such an injury and be able to treat it or refer you to the correct specialist.
[1] But not too much older, so that the physician does not retire too soon.
[2] Not the same as socially defined race or ethnicity, although there is some correlation in many cases.
* Same gender
* Age about the same as you or slightly older [1]
* Similar genetic background [2]
* Similar habits that affect health (eating, exercise, sports, etc.)
Basically, characteristics which make it more likely that the primary care physician has personally experienced or is aware of (due to personal interest) medical problems that are likely to affect you. For example, if you come into the office with a sports injury, a primary care physician who plays the same sports you do may be more likely to be familiar with such an injury and be able to treat it or refer you to the correct specialist.
[1] But not too much older, so that the physician does not retire too soon.
[2] Not the same as socially defined race or ethnicity, although there is some correlation in many cases.