Choosing a Nordic Natural Omega 3 Variation.

Picked up the Nordic Naturals Omega 3 supplement. There are various variations of their product. I was tempted to buy the Ultimate Omega instead, but know that more is not always better.

Is there any reason I'd want to go with the Ultimate () over the standard Omega 3s (.

What about their other products? High EPA vs high DHA?
Nah, you'll be fine with either way. Some may not agree with me, but I don't nitpic on actual breakdowns so long as I'm getting 4-8grams of omega 3 everyday. Nordic has their stuff dosed out pretty good.
Evolution has it right. If you were to break down the cost per gram of omega 3, it all works out to the same, no matter what kind of Nordic Naturals product you choose.

However, some nutritionists will recommend taking the Cod Liver Oil in the winter months due to the natural occuring vitamin D, which will make up for the lack of sunshine people are exposed to in that time frame. When the summer months hit, one can then switch to the "Omega 3" fish oil, which contains fish without the natural occuring Vitamin D.