Childish Things We Still Do

So, I thought it might be fun, since most of us are adults or almost adults in my case, to ask everyone what they still do that is considered "childish". As I approach 18, just a little over a month away, I've been thinking about all of my childhood things that I'm not ready to give up. The biggest thing is my obsession with stuffed animals. I have them everywhere in my room. I've always collected them.

I thought I had my problem under control until I went to the aquarium in Atlanta, Georgia this summer. They had the cutest plush whale sharks (their main exhibit is the whale shark exhibit).

Here's a picture of what I just had to spend $10.00 on that day:

He's so cute and I still keep him on my bed.

I know I'm almost an adult, but I just can't give up this one childish thing.

So what's the one childish thing that you could never give up?
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I have far too many. :) HE, HE, HE. :)

The post would bog down the forum some more......LOL
I played with stuffed animals until my voice changed and I could no longer do the cutesy voice my sister and I mastered.

I'm still a child when it comes to...being so dependent on my parents. They do a lot for me. Much more than my peers.

I'm childish in that, sometimes I neglect my responsibilities, things I should do-- like walking the dog regularly. Probably something I'm most guilty about.

I know it's not within the context of what you were trying to dow ith this thread, but being childish/doing childish things can be both sweet and innocent and stupid/ is fun to admit and the other is something you have to admit to yourself.
I'm too super cool and hardcore to do childish things; however I love watching Spongebob with my daughter, I've made her watch it since she was about a year old :)
Childish things? Perhaps Video Games (I love 360, ps3, ps2, xbox, etc).

Also, maybe watching cartoons. Shows like Futurama, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Simpsons, etc.
finger paint, make annoying noise that to me is music to everyone else is noise, run my hands along walls as i walk down halls or sidewalks, not eat mushrooms, probably some other stuff.

i also love watching spongebob with my niece and nephew. as well as many cartoons, more of which are older from when i was young.
bah, I'm 30 and I have Robotech figures in my office at work, and Transformers in my office at home.

what's this about 'putting away childish things'??
I have fights with my sister shes 26 and im 21 and the other day she flicked me in the head so I pushed her in the mud muahahahahahahahahahaha.
I'm still a sucker for cool Star Wars toys and, yes, video games.

EDIT: And Rocky montages and final fights...can't turn them off - even from III & IV (not V, though. I have my limits).
about everything I do is childish. But the one I am most proud of is

BELIEVING I CAN DO ANYTHING! I love dreaming! I lov edreamers. and I really enjoy thinking everybody in the world means well.

i tell dmb jokes to clients all day long. i snort when I laugh. I have temper tantrums when i don't get my way.

And i pretty much think desert is the most important portion of any meal- even if i don;t get to habve any for a while.

I leave my toys all over the place. I ask other men's wives if Edwardo (or whover0 can come out and play.

i get on my knees to pray. I throw balls in the house, and even broke a window not too long ago. I try and skip out on showers sometimes...

oh the list goes on and on.

i've always been afraid to fly so i always take along one particular stuffed animal every single time i fly. it's my good luck charm. only problem is that it's HUGE -- basically the size of a medium size carry-on! lol! so, here i am, squeezed in coach with this life sized stuffed dog in my lap. there is no way to look normal when you are in this situation. meanwhile, every kid on the flight is staring at me because i have this huge toy!

don't even ask what i have to do when i have to pull the tray table ain't pretty.
I daydream about superpowers and wishes I would make if I had a magic genie constantly.

I day dream what it would be like if I was super man or had crazy powers and how my life would be.