Sport Chicken, chicken, chicken

Sport Fitness
As I'm attempting to tone and trim up, I'm thinking of going to a diet of all chicken w/ some rice or other veggies as a side.

Good idea?
not really. you'll tire of it quickly plus it'll serve no real purpose. vary your protein sources like eggs, milk, cottage cheese, yogurt, lean red meat, fish, etc. :)
sounds a bit crazy to me.

while chicken is arguably the best meat for bulking, other meats have diffrent minerals and chemicals that will help you along the way.
abear said:
not really. you'll tire of it quickly plus it'll serve no real purpose. vary your protein sources like eggs, milk, cottage cheese, yogurt, lean red meat, fish, etc. :)

I can be one to say, I would not tire of chicken. Ever. I could literally eat chicken for every meal of the day, 365 days a year. And for quite a while, I did close to just that.

Granted, once I started a healthier lifestyle, I have embraced other foods I would never touch before, but chicken is still a treat if there ever was one.

Take note: I am only commenting on taste, not health factors. :)
Steaksauce said:
I can be one to say, I would not tire of chicken. Ever. I could literally eat chicken for every meal of the day, 365 days a year. And for quite a while, I did close to just that.
with your user name, i would have thought you'd say that about steak ;)
Yea, thats what most people think. Thing is, the name has a background, and it doesnt involve food. Short story...former online name was a1188323, everyone called me A1, so I switched the name to steaksauce.
Agreed! All chicken all the time would get old very quickly.

abear - Nice Dan John quote. I see you're still holdin the community down and giving great advice.

I too could eat chicken 365 days a year. But I will keep in mind suggestions on the other food as well. I was trying to avoid as much red meat as possible.....figured it wasn't too great in terms of protein.
youll get tired of it and anger for something else in no time.. I'd say varie your diet, like abear said, and allow yourself some red meat like once every 2 weeks or so..
mreik said:
SHHH!! don't tell the newcomers this, secret tips geeez.. lol

about protein whores, I can't seem to match my weight in protein each day.. should I consider creatine, if I am a 26 y/o 150lb male trying to build muscle mass and shape up my shirtless body? I could use a few pounds of meat on me, I've never tried protein supplements before.
creatine wont make up for a shortage of protein in the meal plan. how close are you getting to 150? some ranges for protein intake go as low as .8 grams per pound of bodyweight so you dont have to worry about getting exactly that amount. :)