Artificial sweetners are as bad if not worse than sugar...They cause the release of insulin which we all know is a fat storing hormone...Which is why many new studies are seeing weight gains from diet sodas and many other things that are claiming to be the "healthier" option just because they lack calories..
yeah... but its gum, I really don't think thats any significant amount of anything to cause any real response in your body unless you chew a pack at a time.
suglarless gum does have articifcal chemcials within it, so it is a choice that you should make- go for the sugar, or go for the chemicals. Personally, i go for the sugarless gum beacuse I personally don't belivee there is alot in one piece of gum, compared to say a can of diet coke.
Fat storing hormone? Insulin isn't a fat storing hormone, it's very anabolic and vital to muscle gain. I get your point, but to suggest its function is to store fat is wildly inaccurate
Obviously insulin levels need to be controled though and if chewing sugar free gum causes an overproduction of insulin then that's not so good. Do you have any sources that back up that claim?
Most health food and gums and such have sugar alcohol in it. Now this is perfectly fine if you chew maybe one or two, but be warned, if you eat a lot of items with sugar alcohol in it, you can become gassy. You have been warned.