Chest workout advice.

Hi everyone,
I'm 16, i weigh around 75KG and i'm 6 foot 1.
I'm in good shape and am really happy with my arm and abdominal definition, the problem is i can't seem to gain any muscle on my chest. I can do plenty of pushups and some pullups it just seems that i only ever gain muscle on my arms, regardless of what exercises i do.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated :)
Puhsups are great because there's SO many types :)

Try some explosive pushups. For example, take 4 seconds descending and then push up as fast as you can, those are good. Or literally bounce up and clap like the military type. Try variations and get sore XD

Best wishes man.
Thanks for the advice, I'll definatley try some different types of pushups, do you think it would be worth doing some weights as well??
While pushups do work out the chest (such as explosive push ups) they aren't the optimal exercise for the chest. I personally like to do dumbbell presses and barbell/ bench presses but if you don't have access to any weights or machines then pushups do work. If you want to explore other exercises then by all means do some research on chest exercises, try some for yourself.
Ok, thanks in that case I'll keep the pushups going and I'll try to get my hands on some weights, thanks for the help :)
You're welcome. However since you are only 16 you may want to just stick with the pushups for now or consult someone more knowledgeable on this topic Although you are 6"1' The body doesn't finish maturing till around the early 20's for the average person. So don't be too hasty to get weights. Look into it a bit first. You don't want to injure yourself if your body has not stopped growing yet. Best of luck!
Thanks for the advice, I'll definatley try some different types of pushups, do you think it would be worth doing some weights as well??

As the other guy said too, in my opinion at 16 you can grab the weights, but maybe not go crazy with them.
Up to you man. Good luck and try different pushups, explosive are the best.
^Nice vid man