Chest Pain while Running

I am 17 years old and this has never happened (I was on the track team last year, and am doing so again this year). I ran for at most 10 minutes today but had to stop all of the sudden because I had chest pain. The chest pain was not from breathing, because if i didn't inhale or exhale the pain would still be there (just not as bad). Even while walking my heart was racing and chest was hurting. A couple of times I had to stop and squat down. During this time my throat was extremely dry, but I could breathe fine.

Also on top of that, everything began to take on a blueish tint and i felt mildly dizzy (this usually happens when i have low blood sugar, and since the run was right after school, i'm guessing since i hadn't eaten recently that that was to blame.)

Could this be something serious? I will be running again tomorrow so I will see if it happens again.

EDIT: I haven't run in several months if that makes a difference.
I am 17 years old and this has never happened (I was on the track team last year, and am doing so again this year). I ran for at most 10 minutes today but had to stop all of the sudden because I had chest pain. The chest pain was not from breathing, because if i didn't inhale or exhale the pain would still be there (just not as bad). Even while walking my heart was racing and chest was hurting. A couple of times I had to stop and squat down. During this time my throat was extremely dry, but I could breathe fine.

Also on top of that, everything began to take on a blueish tint and i felt mildly dizzy (this usually happens when i have low blood sugar, and since the run was right after school, i'm guessing since i hadn't eaten recently that that was to blame.)

Could this be something serious? I will be running again tomorrow so I will see if it happens again.

EDIT: I haven't run in several months if that makes a difference.

Yes! Have you told your parents/guardian about this? It could be very serious or it could be nothing; that is what doctors determine.
Go to the doctor ASAP. you could have a serious medical condition! or it could be nothing serious....just go to the doc.
I seem to be experiencing nearly the same thing... I'm male and have always been very active. Though when I run, I get chest pains, without fail. It continues 20 or so minutes after I stop, and sometimes I develop a cough the day after I run. Its worse in cold weather, but there in warm as well. Its been like this for years!

Everyone tells me I just have to tough it out and make it through getting started... but that doesn't seem to really work. hm.

winterdude have you seen any improvement?
There are some initial treatment options that you can do to prevent chest pain when running. The most crucial of them, is to stop running when the pain brings up and laying flat on back for some time. In the event of cardiac arrest, instant dose of half of aspirin may also avoid serious effects like death. An instantaneous trip to the health care provider can also be vitally important here as chest pain while running is more notable than all the other typical factors behind pain in the chest.
Giving out medical advice on a forum is really NOT OK. People should be seeking their doctor's advice, not asking these questions on a forum... Especially about something as potentially serious as chest pains.
I just saw this post and sure hope you have seen a doctor by now! This should have been your first action.
Unless this is a troll . . . which I hope it is not!
A runner should stop running if chest pain occurs. Pain in the chest also can be caused by muscular imbalance and bad posture.