chest muscles

I want to improve my chest muscles as right now they're pretty pathetic.
I would prefer something that doesnt involve equipment if possible but i can get access to some weights if I have to.
thanks to everyone
You could try this.

I'm currently working my way through it. It's tough.
damn, I was hoping I wouldnt have to do pushups, they take so much effort and energy unless youre pumped and ready for them.

Do bench presses help?
If need be, put your knee on the ground and do those pushups. Shoot, I have to put my knee down on the ground and do pushups in yoga sometimes. So there is no shame. This is from someone who can do 100 pushups easily and 1 arm pushups easily... Just somedays are tough and you have to start somewhere man.
I can do them, i just really dislike them. I used to do them but hit a block at 35 and eventually quit, tried them again recently, got to 34, so not to bad, but is this my only choice?
True but I dont mind sit ups or bicep curls or bench presses at all. So will somebody tell me please are they my only choice?

to marko, thanks jackass

Bench presses are pretty awsome. You should do them if you can. I have had great improvements from doing them its a shame I need to cut to see them :( Lol! (I can feel them just cant see them:()

Best of luck~
True but I dont mind sit ups or bicep curls or bench presses at all. So will somebody tell me please are they my only choice?

to marko, thanks jackass

They are not your only choice... but I'm more concerned here about your (what seems to me to be an) excessive aversion to push ups. Push ups can be an extremely effective and versatile exercise during training. You can vary push ups in much the same way you can bench press (wide stance, narrow stance, destabilized, body inclined, etc), not to mention that maintaining proper form is a great core workout (it's essentially a plank). And as the push up is a closed kinetic chain exercise, which means that from a functional training standpoint, it is far more effective than a bench press alone.

You also have the option of swimming. Swimming in and of itself is cardio with a resistance built in. It is most often a full body workout that sees the chest muscles heavily targeted. You could also perform butterflies, alter your chest presses with incline/decline benches, etc. I hope that you also focusing on leg, back, and shoulder exercises or you could run into real muscle balance and injury issues down the line.