Chest-incline-decline vs flat

When a routine is written out for chest 4 sets. should you alternate from decline to flat to incline 4 sets each? How important is incline and decline?
thank you
I usually use incline as a separate exercise - don't do decline much. It does work many of the same muscles, but also some different ones. So if you are supposed to do 4 sets, I would do all 4 at one setting. Keep that the same for a month and then change. This way you never get stuck doing the exact same exercises all the time and you can make better gains. So do flat for a month, then do incline for a month, etc...
Another way to rotate them is from workout to workout, so every third chest day you do flat benches, and on the next chest workout day you do inclines and on the third chest workout day you do declines. That scheme has worked well for me.
Flat chest is by far the best exercise as you can exert more power, although incline and decline focus on different angles of the pec muscles. To get a more defined shape to your pec muscles alternate each workout with a different bench setting.
Here's one for you to try:
Keep your reps low (6-8) and weight high on flat bench for 3 sets and finish off on either incline/decline with high reps and low weight. Incline focuses more on the upper pec, Decline vice versa.:D
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