Weight-Loss Cheese

Is it unhealthy to eat cheese every day? I eat an apple with 2% string cheese as a snack pretty much daily, and DH keeps telling me I'm gonna clog up my arteries with "all that cheese"... I usually don't listen to him, but my luck, he's right for a change. :D

Not worried about calories or fat or anything, just my innards. Any insight?
what you have to remember is your not going to completely remove cheese from your life.

just enjoy it in moderation and you should be fine.
Haha, you're fine eating that cheese.

I eat cheese every single day.

If you're that concerned, move to fat free or low fat cheese. But I don't even do that, lol.
fat free cheese is kinda nasty - :( don't eat it...

From my cold dead hand you will take my cheese...

Count the calories and enjoy...
I've found there's so much crap in fat free stuff to make it edible, I'd rather skip all the chemicals and eat low fat or full fat in moderation. As long as it's "good" fat- I usually need it anyway.
Cheese was one of the things my Dr. suggested I eat. It's a good source of protein.
