Anything that you would change? I'm trying to get rid of as much fat as possible on my body (butt area :action13:and tri's mainly). Items on the menu change day to day. While I'm preparing my meal I'm always munching on a carrot stick or two.
Breakfast- 1 egg, 2 egg whites, 1 slice of whole wheat bread, banana
Snack- creme of wheat with honey and string cheese
Lunch- peanut butter sandwich with a little bit of granola sprinkled on it to give it crunch and some type of raw veggie.
Snack- 1/2 cup of unsalted roasted peanuts and an orange
pre-work out- 1/2 cup of chocolate protein shake :beer2
r 2 tbl spoons of pb and banana.
post-work out- the remaining protein shake before dinner
Dinner- shrimp, brown rice and spinach
Breakfast- 1 egg, 2 egg whites, 1 slice of whole wheat bread, banana
Snack- creme of wheat with honey and string cheese
Lunch- peanut butter sandwich with a little bit of granola sprinkled on it to give it crunch and some type of raw veggie.
Snack- 1/2 cup of unsalted roasted peanuts and an orange
pre-work out- 1/2 cup of chocolate protein shake :beer2
post-work out- the remaining protein shake before dinner
Dinner- shrimp, brown rice and spinach