Weight-Loss "Cheating" prevention tips/help?

My cousin had bought a bucket of KFC a while back soon after I had started dieting and even though it stood there on the table calling me, I was able to resist and patted myself on the back thinking I had beaten temptation for good. Also, since I cook the meals for my two boys and it's extremely hard for me to be cooking Fries, Burgers e.t.c on a regular basis and not be eating those foods, all of this made me feel that I had beaten temptation but yesterday my mom ordered Steamed vegetables and Chicken from the Chinese store and I ordered the usual and one of my long time favorites, Pork Fried Rice with half fried chicken for my son but when it came he wanted something else so I said to myself I will have a little of it as I hadn't had any of this ever since I started dieting months ago.
I ended up eating this food not only once but twice! So even though I did maintain portion control, I ate the second half of it when I would normally eat a fruit or some dry roasted peanuts, let me tell you that I am very embarrassed and totally ashamed of myself for not having the will power to resist this, I've never done drugs really except for experimenting briefly with Pot in my my teenage days but now I think I know what drug adicts feel like when they get their cravings.
What tips/advice can you all share with me that might help prevent this from happening again please?
p.s I do apologize to everyone here who have been helping me from the start, for my weakness, sorry.
You Weakling!!!

nah i'm just kidding. yesterday i had to put OREOS in the cookie jar for the kids and not even taste 1 of them! it killed me, but i fought it off. its real hard when the kids are eating all this good stuff like peanut butter crackers, pumpkin pie, and other yummy stuff i have to look at and TOUCH. its also been second nature all these years to just lick the spoon or knife after i make them whatever and now that i'm on atkins i cant because every little carb adds up.

as for tips, i dont have any great ones. water is the usual one, or crest white strips, or brush your teeth. someone else on here mentioned eating a dill pickle. the best i think is keeping your hands busy.
Yeah, I'm pathetic, right :) ? Thanks for the tips but for me, they help me more with portion control, what I need is some sort of distraction I guess that will take me away from craving certain foods Sun-Fri? See, it's relatively easier for me to keep away from the junk foods that I make for my boys but when it comes to "my" favorite foods, that's where I need the help the most.
Mike...I have found that eating a nice big salad befor you eat any of your lunch or dinner....Even if you are having hotdogs, or something that a salad doesnt seem to "go with"...eat it anyways!!!.....Oh and a nice cool glass of water also......eat slow....chew it up really good...put your fork down after everybite......I promise that by the time you start to eat your main meal.....you will start to feel full...and when you get there.....STOP!..dont keep going.....
hey there mike... it sounds like you have been really doing fabulous with portion control and keeping the cravings down for a while. I think my biggest advice - don't let one slip up bother you!!! there are times when we need to treat ourselves!!! BUT also know that you need to take some time before you treat yourself again. I actually find it easier to once a week just eat whatever I want to (ie: pizza and beer with the girls) and not get upset about it, but know that I need to behave the rest of the week. If you keep beating yourself up about it, and keep thinking about it, you are actually probably more prone to do it again - thinking that you will fail anyways.
I think that this is GREAT advice! I will try that, meaning I will purposely eat 1 junk food only 1 time each week if and when it gets on my mind to get rid of the anxiety, THANK YOU!!! :D
p.s. Yes, I have the portion control thing downpacked and funny thing is, now I can't eat as much as I used to even if I wanted to!
mike - the best way for me to prevent cheating is to keep a food journal and record EVERYTHING i eat. that way if i cheat i still have to record what i ate. then i add it up at the end of the day and see how many cals i ate. it's amazing how much difference a little cheating can make :rolleyes: !
i think amomono has really good advice too. i have binging problems myself, and i've found that the best way to recover from a binge is to go for a walk by myself and try to analyze what went wrong and why i ate too much. then i resolve to work on whatever the problem was. that way i get away from more food, burn some calories, and work on improving myself, all at once! if i overeat until i feel sick i close my eyes and focus inward on how my body is feeling. after a binge it's feeling terrible so i focus on that and on how much i don't want to feel like that anymore. then i make a resolution to treat my body better, b/c it's the only body i've got and it deserves to be treated well :D ! also drink a LOT of water after a binge to help push the stuff thru your system. i hope some of this helps. good luck to you, and remember you are not alone in any of this! take care, bye for now.
Thank you for the info Heidipye!