Sport Cheat Days?

Sport Fitness
This has probably been asked before so sorry if it has but i need some answers.

Im 19 around 6ft & weigh Between 66-67kg I train 5-6 times a week. I train brazilian jiu jitsu. Im a competitor so i also do conditioning 2 times a week.

This is the thing... im eating 1800-2000 calories in the week days & drink minimum of 2 litres of water a day... But on saturday i have a cheat day and i eat... a lot!!! I wont eat pizza or fast food but ill eat alot of chocolate & cereal, bread flapjack etc... Pretty much what ever ive been craving in the week ill eat it all on that one day.

i usually put on a kg to kg and a half I figured this is water weight seeing as i loose it in around 3 days. But now im starting to think i loose the weight because i eat too little in the week.

Is it bad to do this?

Help would be awesome :)
The cheat day theory is only there to help those who are not able to maintain the garbage diets that most people try. It's still calories in, calories out. If you aren't training on the weekend, that would also affect your weight gain. As for how much you eat during the week, if you are just going up on the weekend and then back down by the end of the week, but not losing any overall weight, then you are probably eating just fine.
It depends on how you look at it... To answer your question, in my opinion, yes it is "bad" to eat that way. None of those foods are "good" for your body, so eating them, especially in large quantities, could affect your body negatively.

That being said, I usually promote the 80/20 rule, where you follow a healthy diet at least 80 percent of the time and have the flexibility to eat other things no more than 20 percent of the time.

Even though I wouldn't normally advocate having a whole day to cheat, it depends on how everything balances out during the week. What is your goal with your weight?