cheaper insulin spike

hey all,
For the past few months I've been mixing a supp. called "After-glow" with my post-workout protein shake. It literally has it made my recovery time so quick that i could do legs every other day if i wanted too. I've heard the reason it works so well is a certain chain of sugars it contains that creates an insulin spike which of course helps your body get the most out of your protein. Now of course the product has other benefits, this just seems to be the major. My problem with it is that it's so damn expensive. I'm wondering if I buy those powder gatorade tubs from the grocery store and mix a scoop of that in with my protein if I would see similar results. What do you guys think?
powdered gatorade works (but not the liquid kind...different sugars used).
also the cheapest is just a pound or two of dextrose (corn sugar). you can find this at homebrewing stores more readily than natural food stores.

malto-dextrin works too, is less sweet tasting, but is harder to find.