Cheap Shot

Do you think punching someone's airways(around the throat area) is a cheap shot when you are in a fight with ONE person whether you or him/her started the fight?
Not cheap, but dangerous. I don't know how good my judgement would be at the time, but if I saw an opening in a regular ol' street fight, I'd probably take it, unless I'm feeling more compassionate than usual. It's up there with eye gouging and nose thursting. All three take more skill than ball kicking and are pretty much just as devastating.

A lot of "cheap shots" are at the opponent's fault for accepting them.

I kind of think along the terms of...If you're gonna fight, FIGHT. There are no rules, and if you didn't want your balls kicked in or your eyes ripped out, you shouldn't have come to me, or should have defended yourself better. I'm not going to take care of you, I'm going to kick your ****ing ass!
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I think you might have to live killing them by crushing their throat. As Lei said, this is a pretty hard target to actually successfully strike. I'm not sure why you'd want to strike someone in hte throat as you can see the complications that could arise afterwards. I don't see it as even really an option unless your life is in danger...and even then, there are faster and easier targets.
I avoid fighting and only fight to defend myself and family. If someone strikes up a fight with me there are NO rules. I don't feel like a good old knock down drag out fight, I'm just too old for that.

If you are defending yourself there ARE NO cheap shots IMO
I dont think so. I usually go for the gut then when they are doubled up hit them with an uppercut. Im not a violent guy but hey if ya gotta defend yourself.
If they hit me in the throat I'd either be in the hospital or going crazy (cause it's serious now). If I'm going to fight, I don't expect them to lie down and take it...What goes for me goes for them.

Regardless, throat shots are very dangerous.
Oh sorry, I meant what if someone challenged You to a fight and hit you in the throat? Would that be a cheap shot?

If some1 challenges you to a fight that means you have the opotunity to get the hell outta there. Never fight unless its life or death, in which case, yeah, go for the throat.

As people have said before, it is a hard target and you'll never hit it fighting toe to toe, you'll only get a good throat shot from the side when the chin is outta the way. But even still, its one of thoes things that avoided.
If you start the fight by doing it, your pretty cheap id say. Its like walking up to someone while they are off guard, and kicking them in the balls, then go boost your a** off that you beat them up.
I've been out of high school for 20 years. Under what circumstances as a adult do you get challenged to a fight and why wouldn't you walk away from something like that.

Once your a grown up I though you;d only fight to defend yourself, your property, or another.
If I ever get into a fight, it's going to be because there was absolutely no way in the world to avoid it, and one of us is probably going to end up dead, unconsious, or in the hospital. In that case, all is fair, because I never wanted a fight in the first place.

I agree /\

If its some little school yard "you stole my girl" fight and he hits you in the throat first thing, the kids a little bitch.
You really shouldn't aim at the throat unless it's gone way past a simple fight and you think you could justify killing them. A friend of mine at school got in a drunken fight outside a pub when he was 17, his friend was getting beaten up so he went over to help. He hits one of the guys in the throat and shortly after it all breaks up.

This was no major fight, just dumb kids who found drunk fighting fun, but then the guy who was hit in the throat collapses, it turns out that that one punch had caused damage to his wind pipe and caused a blood clot which shifted to his brain and put him in a coma

My friend was arrested (he was recorded on CCTV and the video shown on local news) and for about the next two months he was coming into school waiting to hear if the boy he punched was going to pull through. If the boy died he was going to be up on a murder charge, as it was the boy pulled through and he got done for Aggrivated ABH which carries nothing like the same sentence.

The moral is that when you aim at the throat you stand a very real chance of causing fatal damage, don't do it unless you think you'd be able to justify killing someone
It really depends. Kid at school, acts all hard. For the slightest things he goes for face shots. On the bus the other day he hit me in the face twice. I didn't even flinch. Put it bluntly to him that if that's how hard he'll hit me, I would take him in literally 5 seconds. Also I said when I hit someone in the face I know I could break their jaw, and would have to go with the consequences. He soon go t the message. The apology came 2 hours later on msn.

Reminds me, when I was like 10, two kids both 12 were hitting a kid in my class. I told them to piss off. One of them tried to hit me. In literally 5 seconds I had kicked him in the shins, nailed his stomach, and knocked him too his knees. His head was up, and I could have easily hit him in the throat. But even at 10 I knew how wrong that was. Seriously, never, unless it is literally a life or death situation/ the guy is much stronger than you, hit in the throat properly.
Sounds to me like you got your point across. My advice would be to be the bigger man and let it go. He's the idiot. Let him be that.
Sounds to me like you got your point across. My advice would be to be the bigger man and let it go. He's the idiot. Let him be that.

Exactly. Get the point across before you get drastic. Also, don't be afraid to run, especially around alcohol. Sometimes when pissed people don't feel anything. That's when they become Rocky Balboa and take a thousand hits. End result is them in hospital, you = prison.
If its some little school yard "you stole my girl" fight and he hits you in the throat first thing, the kids a little bitch.
If you start the fight by doing it, your pretty cheap id say. Its like walking up to someone while they are off guard, and kicking them in the balls, then go boost your a** off that you beat them up.
Yeah, that is exactly what I was trying to ask. Would it be a cheap shot if someone did this^
If you have to ask, then you can't feel too good about it.
Was this directed to me? If it was, what do you mean?