Cheap Protein!!

24$ shipped for 5lbs.


Just ordered 5 pounds. Almost bought 2 pounds for $22 yesterday at Rite- Aid but decided to look for better deals muhahahah. Lifesaver.

edit: damn my paypal account doesn't work anymore because I have a new bank account now. Now that order is just gonna sit there unpaid lol

Once my debit card comes in I'll be sure to order some. Hopefully that offer will still be there.
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I thought they went out of business a while back.

Their customer service was HORRIBLE but their product is decent. And damn decent enough to buy for $24! Thanks man.
You seem to do this very often. Maybe they pay you to go on the forum and advertise their sales? hmm? Maybe I should ban you :D

You have no power over me, I'll IP ban you ina second! And don't hate just because they won't ship to Karkysville, BFE. Okay?