Change shoes?

Hi everyone,

Some people say that runners (1-2 miles a day) should change their shoes every 3 months or so to avoid injury. Is it true? I feel comfortable in my shoes and I don't really keep track of when to change. Does it matter?

Thank you,
Yeah thats true, sorry.

Its not so much the wear on the soles of the shoe but the padding inside. However running 1-2miles a day wont be too bad, changing your shoes every 3 months is more for people running 5+ miles 3 times a week.

you can stab the padding with a pin to check the depth of the padding.
I've heard the magic number as around 500miles. Shoes also wear to the way you run. If you over or underpronate it will show on your shoe. When you are ready to trade them in take them somewhere where the sales people are trained and can help you find a shoe that will accomodate your stride. This will cut down on future injury too.