Champagne for people who have NO idea what to buy.


New member
If you're like me, you have no idea which wine or champagne you'll like. I get really annoyed if I ever have to buy a bottle of wine, or worse, champagne. In the few years past when I did have to buy a bottle, I ended up being unsatisfied, regardless of the cost. But this one has enough fruity flavor and sweetness that everyone really likes. I got lucky enough to buy this last year, and I got another bottle this year.
It's actually pretty cheap, too.
NOTE: This isn't "soda pop" sweet, it's wine sweet, which isn't nearly as sweet, but it won't have you puckering because of the dryness, either.
That is pretty good, tasty champagne. I am NOT a wine drinker. I do not like dry drinks. This is a good, sweet champagne that literally everyone will enjoy.
Happy New Year
Disclaimer: This is not spam. LOL... although my wording makes it sound sort of like an ad, I guess. I gain NOTHING from recommending this to you, except the satisfaction that I might be able help out fellow confused shoppers who have no idea which champagne to buy.
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Barefoot Moscato Spumante is the name of Champagne.
Sorry, I really didn't mean to spam.
The company sells champagne directly from it's website, and I linked that because it's the best place to get information from.
I generally avoid alcohol when on a diet, i find its the easy option. I know that when you eat food and drink booze your body processes the food differently and turns it directly into fat stores, and thats enough for me to be paranoid :D
I generally avoid alcohol when on a diet, i find its the easy option. I know that when you eat food and drink booze your body processes the food differently and turns it directly into fat stores, and thats enough for me to be paranoid :D
That's why it's in the off topic section, silly!
I rarely drink. and I mean very rarely.
I'd bet that I've drank less than the equivalent of a case of beer this year.