Cell-Tech and Nitro-Tech

Dont know if anybody drinks these supplements but i found out that if i drink Cell-Tech before i work out it gives me alot of energy. Ive read the directions and i just wanted to try it a different way just to experiment a little. As soon as im done with lifting i drink the Nitro-Tech. Was wondering if this is just affective as drinknig it after the work out. Ive noticed some strength gains from this but dont know if its good to do this or not. Any info would be cool. Thanks :cool:
Ironman68 said:
Dont know if anybody drinks these supplements but i found out that if i drink Cell-Tech before i work out it gives me alot of energy. Ive read the directions and i just wanted to try it a different way just to experiment a little. As soon as im done with lifting i drink the Nitro-Tech. Was wondering if this is just affective as drinknig it after the work out. Ive noticed some strength gains from this but dont know if its good to do this or not. Any info would be cool. Thanks :cool:
Cell-Tech is creatine, and Nitro-Tech is protein. The way you're taking them is how/when they should be taken. Once you finish the containers I suggest you purchase a cheaper alternative.
All MuscleTech products are a waste of money. I used to take Cell Tech. It's dextrose mixed with a sweetener and creatine. You can make that youself for 1/4 of the price at least. If you feel like you have more energy, it is just a rush from all the sugar.
NHB said:
All MuscleTech products are a waste of money. I used to take Cell Tech. It's dextrose mixed with a sweetener and creatine. You can make that youself for 1/4 of the price at least. If you feel like you have more energy, it is just a rush from all the sugar.

and since its a sugar rush, its likely a sugar CRASH will follow, where your blood sugar dips low. you'll feel lazy, maybe even light headed.

you probably dont' get that right now because your post workout shake keeps the blood sugar up as it begins to fall.

However, dextrose means an insulin spike...and you don't want that during a workout, you want it post workout.

if you decide to keep with cell-tech, at least take it POST workout.